Chapter 3

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       Karma was watching Nagisa and Akari sleep against each other. He looked over at Nozomi, and crawled over to him.  He pulled himself on the bed, and wrapped his arms around Nozomi's waist. The two didn't have a blanket, So Karma used his wings. 

     By the time Karma woke up, Nozomi was snoring lightly, cuddled against his wings, and Nagisa was packing stuff up, Akari still sleeping.  Karma slowly wrapped the thick blanket Around Nozomi, and crawled off the bed. 

    Nagisa looked at Karma, who had his hands and face pressed against the glass. He crouched down next to Karma, and said, "I'll come pick you up during my lunch break, Okay? You'll be going to school again, but you and Nozomi need to do some tests first." Karma nodded. Then slid his hand through the slot. 

   As Nagisa kissed Karma's hand, Karma replied with a hushed whisper, "Oktay Papa Gisa!" Nagisa smiled, taking off his doctor's coat and putting on his backpack, and picked up Akari bridal style. Karma took a picture using the camera Akari gave him. Nozomi tapped his shoulder.

  "Onii-Chan, I'm cold. Can I lay on your wings?" Karma nodded, opening his arms while leaning his back against the glass. He then moved his wings onto Nozomi, warming them up a couple degrees. Karma had to admit, it didn't get cold, he had fire in his body. 

  Nozomi smiled slightly, and Karma remembered the yearbook Akari gave him.


"Papa Gisa?" Karma asked, pointing to a blue haired smiling boy, hair up in pigtails. Akari nodded, pointing to the green-haired pigtailed girl smiling next to Nagisa's picture. "That's me, I used to go by Kaede Kayano." Karma shook his head, looking up at Akari. 

   "That's not Mama Kari. Mama Kari doesn't have green hair." Karma's brain was trying to figure out why his favorite person had two names. "Nagisa was super insecure about his feminine appearance, and the fact he had long hair. He constantly got weird loos from the guys on main campus, and he still does." 

   Karma looked over the pictures, and saw a woman with blonde hair, and blue eyes. He pointed to her. "Yeah, That's Irina Jelavic, our ELA teacher. She's an assassin, and seduces men to kill them. We called her Professor Brat. And still do." (Akari didn't want to swear in front of Karma.)

                                                                            -End of Flashback-

  Karma smiled at that memory, grabbing ponytail holders from his wrists and pulling Nozomi's hair into a ponytail. His head shot over to the doctor, who bursted  in the room. Nozomi jumped, and looked at the doctor, already aware of his hair.  Then another doctor appeared, and the two climbed onto their testing tables.

  Karma felt himself get buckled stuck to the table, and machines lined themselves up with his legs and collarbone. He felt fabric suffocate his mouth, and tried to get out of the grasp. The nurses put way to much pressure on his wings, making him stifle a scream. Then, the machines injected into his skin, making him slightly scream.

   Karma suddenly grew twice in size, wings and horns on fire. Veins popped out on his forehead, his eyes in slits, and twitching and flailing everywhere. He heard Nozomi's cries and begs in pin, making him even more angry. Then he saw more needles, and started trying to resist.

   "STOP RESISTING!" Such a stern voice, and the voice belonged to his nurse. He was mad, of course, but he cared for Karma. Karma's nurse started stroking Karma's red crimson hair, calming him down enough for him to stop flailing. He was still angry though. 

                                                                          -Time Skip-

   Karma slowly dragged his feet into Nagisa's class, arms hurting from the crutches. He sa down next to Gakushuu, cheeks, eyes, and nose red from the crying. Everyone stared at his new feature, red dragon scales across his neck, collarbone and forehead. 

  He still had veins popping out of his forehead, but his fangs dug into the bamboo muzzle, leaving cracks in it. He turned around slowly, and gave a death look at Sophie, who was looking at him like he was an attention seeker. 

   Oh, how he wanted to end her existence. He also got a new feature, telepathy. No one knew though. 'Why does he look like he can and wants to kill me in my sleep?! I was just looking at him, isn't that normal? Everyone else is looking at him!'

   But the other's where looking at like he was a celebrity, or a hero. Sophie looked at him like he was a little kid crying over ice cream.  Karma heard Nagisa walk in, and quickly turned toward the front, shaking his head, focusing on his Papa. "For the mid-terms, I asked the principle if he would help us study, and he agreed."

  A tall man with strawberry blonde hair and dark purple eyes walked in the room, and Karma immediately noticed the similarities between Gakushuu and The Principle. He tapped Gakushuu's shoulder, and pointed to the school's chairman. 

  "Yeah, that's my dad. How did you know?" Gakushuu asked, surprised. Karma simply shrugged, but internally, he was smirking. Why you ask? It's because he sensed Gakushuu's body heat perk up when the chairmen was mentioned. 

  The studies started, partners discussing. Nagisa and the chairmen walked around, helping students. Karma eventually started laughing at Gakushuu's facial expression, and he couldn't stop laughing. Gakushuu was confused as hell, not knowing why Karma was laughing his butt off, but what was going on in the word problem.

  Karma stopped laughing, sides hurting. He tucked his wings nicely behind his back. "So, can you fly? I mean you have wings." Gakushuu asked, gently and slowly putting his hand on the left wing. 

   Karma whimpered a bit, only audible to Gakushuu though. "Oh I'm sorry, Did I hurt you?" Gakushuu asked in a quiet hush. Karma shook his head, looking at Gakushuu in the corner of his eye, slight flush on his face. "N-No, Whenever someone touches them they feel weird. I think they where meant to be like that." Karma replied, fully facing Gakushuu now.

  The bell rang, signaling next period.  Next period was writing, which Karma had separate help with. Normally Akari would help him, but she's not here today. Then he looked over at the Principle, and froze. He didn't want to make Gakushuu uncomfortable, but he also didn't want to leave the class and upset Nagisa by accident. What was he gonna do?

  The principle walked towards Karma, and pulled up an extra chair. "Hello, I'm going to be helping you with your writing today." Karma started using telepathy. 'Hmm. It seems like he doesn't know who I am?' Karma stared at him blanky. Then he got an Idea.

   "Out in hall?" Karma pointed to the door, while putting his folders and journals in a pouch on his right crutch. Gakuho helped his student into the hallway, being very careful of his legs. The two sat down against a wall. The pair practiced lowercase letters, uppercase letters, and grammar.

   "Why do you Like Gakushuu so much, Karma?" Karma gave him the same blank look. Karma then shrugged. "I dunno, Shuu-Chan makes me happy." Karma's wings fluttered a bit. Gakuho closed his eyes in affirmation. "He does give off a kind of calming aura. So does his best friend, Ren Sakakibara." (?) Karma nodded. 

  "You now, you're his second true friend. And how do I know this? I'm his father. I've can read him like a book." Karma nodded, tilting his head back to sleep. But after a few minutes his head unconsciously leaned onto Gakuho's shoulder, But Gakuho didn't mind.

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