Chapter 32

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A/n: What's up, my dudes? Here's the next part of the Sing 2 part of the fanfic. I should have made a note of this before, but the movie doesn't really give a good timeline of when the events are happening—like how much time has passed between scenes. I'm trying my best, but it may differ from the movie or your perception of time.

Word count- 2169 words


* * * * *

Your POV

It was early morning when I had to go down to the stage to practice. It was very quiet when I arrived, as the building crew hadn't yet arrived, and the rest of my friends were nowhere to be seen.

Hours later, I had been jumping from the platform and swinging around. I was starting to feel dizzy and nauseous, and wishing that I had instead agreed to go with Johnny to get a new skateboard. He probably was there right now, or at least would be there soon; it wouldn't be long until him and all of our friends made their way here to practice as well.

Surprisingly, he didn't show up right away. I wondered where he could be. It wasn't until another hour had passed when I watched him walk into the room, and he had someone with him I had never met.

It was a girl, clothed in bright clothing which could probably be described as being street-style. I watched the two of them laugh as they walked towards Johnny's practice room.

My chest started to feel funny, it felt tight and uncomfortable. It took me a moment to realize that a few tears were beginning to form in my eyes. I quickly felt like a terrible person for being bothered. Johnny was allowed to hang out with whoever he wanted, I couldn't be feeling jealous or possessive.

But I realized I truly didn't feel jealous or possessive or whatnot, I was scared... Worried that he would meet people that were better than me, and then he would forget about me. I was worrying that he was finally going to open his eyes and realize that I'm just a freak

And then I felt even worse because I didn't know one thing about her, and here I am judging her like people have been judging me for years.

* * * * *

I had been sitting with Buster, Ash, and Gunter during my break. They were watching and helping Rosita as she practiced her part. I wasn't paying attention, as I was waiting for my cue to get ready and join her. That is, until I heard Miss Crawly walking over.

"Miss Crawly?" Buster gasped.

I looked at her too. Shocked to see her stumbling around, covered in paint, and had an apple in the place of her glass eye. What could have possibly happened?

She walked up to Buster and grabbed his suit. "You can't go back there, Mr. Moon. Never!"

"What happened to you?" He replied.

"That lion, you see, he's crazy. Crazy!" She whimpered. "Oh, he's crazy! Pew, pew, pew." She began to walk away, mumbling to herself.

"She's a mess," Ash said. "You're not gonna go out there, are you?"

"Gonna have to," Buster said. "I mean..."

"All set over here, Mr. Moon!" The stagehand said loudly.

"All right, playback!" He said.

The music started as Rosita appeared. That was also my cue to get ready to go on set. She began to sing:

Ooh, look what you made me do
Look what you made me do
Look what you made me do
Look what you just made me
Ooh, look what you made me do
Look what you just made me do

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2023 ⏰

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