Chapter 2: Rumours and Lila's Return

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Marinette POV

As we entered the school gates, I heard everyone talking among themselves and looking at their phones, much to our confusion. Even the teachers were chattering among themselves. Curiously, I went on my phone and looked up on the Ladyblog and saw a video of Ladybug and her friends beating up a gang of graffiti artists and beating up an old man, much to my shock.

"What the-!? That's not what happened!" Daphne retorted in anger.

"And was you there when that happened?" A student asked us.

Before Daphne could reply, Luka steered us away from them and took us to the locker room.

"I think someone's messing with us." He said.

"How can you tell?" I asked.

"Think about it. Who else would record anything that's going on with Ladybug and share it on the Ladyblog?" He asked.

"Alya." Nico answered.

"Exactly. I think she wants to turn the world against Ladybug and make her look like the bad guy. Not just her. But us as well." He said.

"Is it because her Ladyblog received major backlash for all the lies that Alya put in about Marinette, thanks to Lila?" Daphne asked.

We nodded grimly.

"But we don't know how she does it. How is she able to record everything without being noticed?" I asked.

"Maybe she was akumatized?" Nico suggested.

"Could be. But it's not like she was going around causing chaos and everything. If she was akumatized, how come she didn't take our miraculous?" I asked.

"My guess, she's biding her time. Waiting for her time to strike." Luka answered as we entered the classroom.

"Yeah. Maybe. In that case, we'd better-."

I stopped when I saw someone sitting next to Alya. Someone who I thought I'd never see again.

"Lila?" I gasped.

"Marinette. Long time, no see." She said with her sly smile.

"Why is she here?" I demanded.

"She changed her ways and stopped lying. And she's willing to forgive us for turning our backs to her. Unlike you, Marinette." Alya said.

Before I could retort, Nico stopped me.

"Don't give her the satisfaction. It's not worth it." He said.

"Yes, listen to your semi-mute friend who has no friends." Kim said spitefully.

I sighed irritably as I waved goodbye at Luka and sat down on my seat, ignoring the chatter from the now reunited, Team Lila. Mr White started our History lesson, though I couldn't bring myself to listen to him. 

I thought back to what Master Fu said to me during my visit.


"We already know that Viperion is trustworthy. But we lost the trust in Rena Rouge, Carapace, Pegasus, King Monkey, Minitourox and Polymouse Meaning, we can't count on their help anymore." I said as I looked down at the Miracle Box.

"Yes. After seeing their true colours, I can see we can't rely on them anymore. Especially after they allowed themselves to be akumatized to get back at you for nor forgiving them." Master Fu replied.

"And Chat Noir is unavailable. Meaning we'll need someone else to take up the mantle." I said as I looked at the cat miraculous.

"We'd better be careful with who we pick. Especially after we saw how Adri-. I mean Chat Noir was akumatized and assaulted you." Plagg said bitterly.

I nodded, thinking back how Chat Blanc had his way with me and almost brainwashed me into forgiving him and the akuma class. 

"Regardless, I don't think it's a good idea to drag anyone else into our fight with Hawkmoth. It's too risky." I said.

Fu nodded in agreement.

"Still, I think Hawkmoth has something up his sleeve. I wish I know what it is." He said.

"You and me both, Master." I said.

Present time

I felt someone tap me on the shoulder and looked up. At first, I thought it was Adrien, but his blonde hair was neatly combed  instead of messy like Adrien's.  He wears a light grey, long-sleeved dress shirt with a black neck tie underneath a dark grey vest, dark grey dress pants, and black dress shoes. 

"You're Marinette Dupain Cheng?" The boy asked.

"Yeah? And you are?" I asked.

"Felix. Felix Graham de Vanily. Adrien's cousin." He said.

I remember hearing about a new transfer student before I dozed off.

"Oh. Right. You're new here?" I replied.

"Yes. I heard from your friends. Sorry, former friends. That you and my cousin used to date before you broke up with him." Felix said.

"No. He and I weren't dating. And that cousin of yours is a braindead idiot who should take the high road and jump off it." I said resentfully, making sure that Adrien hears it.

Felix's eyes widened with shock and glanced at Adrien, who scowled at my direction.

"Anyway, your friends said that they're heading off to Physics and told me to come and get you. Though, your boyfriend's already here. And he's giving me a suspicious look." He said, pointing at Luka.

"Maybe it's because you almost look like Adrien." I said.

"Right. Blame my father and uncle for that one." He joked as he stood up. Before he left, he looked back.

"By the way. You made the right choice in not forgiving your former friends for what they did to you. I'd do the same if those who I call my friends decided to stab me in the back. See you around, Marinette." He said as he left, nodding at Luka as he left.

"Hey. I noticed you weren't with the others and came to pick you up." He said as he helped me up and gave me bottled water.

"Thanks. I've been thinking a lot about what Master Fu was saying and I might've dozed off." I said as I rubbed my eyes and took a sip from the bottle. 

"Who was that guy?" Luka asked me as we exited the classroom.

"Felix Graham. Adrien's cousin." I replied.

"Cousin. I thought he was his twin brother. Or his clone." Luka said.

I snorted with laughter as soon as he said that.

"Doubt it." I said.

"I mean they look alike." Luka said.

"True. The hair and eyes threw me off." I replied.

I felt a slight chill and looked behind me, only to see no one behind me. I shrugged and followed Luka.


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