Chapter 7: Round Two and The Reconciliation

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No one POV

The 4 heroes returned to the scene and saw Heartstring and Princess Justice. Behind them were the semi-conscious bodies of Adrien, Lila and Alya. Emerald Shadow spun his staff and got into his stance. Tigress notched and arrow into her bow while Scarlet Lady and King Cobra got into their stances.

"So, you decided to get reinforcements? It won't help you." Princess Justice taunted.

"You might as well give up will you have the chance." Heartstring added.

"Sorry, that won't be happening." Tigress said.

"You might as well give up unless you want to lick your wounds." Emerald said.

The two akumas fired their beams at them. They dodged and darted towards them. Emerald Shadow swung his staff at Heartstring, forcing him to block and allowing Tigress to vault over him and kick the akuma in the face, knocking him back. Scarlet launched her yo-yo at Princess Justice, who dodge and swung her staff at her, only for King Cobra to block the attack and shove her back. Tigress fired a concussion arrow at Heartstring, only for the akuma to blast it to dust and summon cords to tie up Tigress.

"Now I got you!" He jeered.

"Hands off, creep!" Emerald Shadow yelled as he swung his staff at Heartstring, knocking him off his feet and freeing Tigress.

Scarlet Lady was thrown off her feet and landed flat on her back while King Cobra was trading blows with Princess Justice. He tried to throw a punch at her, but missed and was kicked back. Scarlet Lady caught him with her yo-yo.

"Thanks." He panted. Scarlet nodded back at him.

"We're getting pummelled. Any bright ideas?" Tigress called as she backflipped away from Heartstring along with Emerald Shadow.

"Yeah. Scarlet, use your lucky charm!" Emerald called.

"Right! Luck Charm!" Scarlet called and summoned a pair of handcuffs.

"What the hell!" Tigress called in shock.

"Umm?" Scarlet Lady said in confusion.

"Roll with it." Emerald said as he threw a wave of kunai at the two akumas, who dodged with ease.

While the two vigilantes fought the akumas, Scarlet looked down at the handcuffs, then at the akumas.

"Think I got it." She said.

"Better hurry!" King Cobra said as he saw Emerald get kicked back by Princess Justice and Tigress disarmed and knocked to the ground by Heartstring. 

Scarlet and King Cobra darted towards the akumas. Heartstring fired his guitar at them, but King Cobra used his harp to deflect the beam back at Princess Justice, blinding her.  Heartstring tried to fire it again, but Emerald kicked him across the face and knocked his guitar out off his hands with his staff, allowing Scarlet to flip over them and cuff Heartstring's wrist. Princess Justice swung her staff at King Cobra, who blocked with his lyre and disarmed her with a wave of his wrist.

She tried to kick him, but he redirected the kick and pushed her into Heartstring, allowing Tigress to cuff her with him. As the two akumas tried free themselves, King Cobra and Scarlet Lady broke the guitar and staff in half, freeing the akumas.

"Game over, you nasty butterflies." Scarlet Lady said as she caught the akuma and purified them. The two akumas reverted back to Marinette and Luka. 

"What happened?" Marinette groaned.

"Don't worry about it. We'll fill you in later." Emerald Shadow said as he uncuffed the duo.

After Scarlet Lady reverted the damage, Lila and Adrien thanked the heroes, much to their chagrin.

"We only did it for them, not you." King Cobra said.

"Yeah. So don't be ridiculous and count on us to save you again." Scarlet Lady added with a scornful tone.

Adrien and Lila were taken back by their tone and left. Afterwards, they told Marinette and Luka about what happened.

"Oh man. I can't believe I allowed myself to snap like that." Marinette groaned.

"Same here." Luka said.

The two looked at each other and hugged.

"I'm sorry!" They both cried.

"Love always wins in the end." Tigress sighed as she picked up her bow.

"Yeah. I guess it does." Emerald said with a swoon smile.

Scarlet cleared her throat, earning the duos attention. They reverted back to their civilian forms, much to the shock of Marinette and Luka.

"How did-!?" They gasped.

"Yeah, about that." Emerald chuckled, scratching the back of his head.

Unbeknownst to them, Eye Spy's drone was recording everything, while the akuma grinned.

"Just a little bit more. And fame and glory will be mine." She said with a grin.

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