Chapter 5:A Shocking discovery

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Felix POV

As I made my way home, I thought about what my mother told me. She suggested that I should try to make some friends instead of pushing people away. So, I agreed to be transferred to the same school as my cousin, Adrien is attending to while staying in Agreste Manor. So far, I have made a few acquaintances. Nico Laskaris, Marinette Dupain Cheng, Chloe Bourgeois, Luka Couffaine and Daphne Winter. 

As for Adrien, he's been giving me dirty looks for being involved with them. Though he never told me why or maybe because I never asked him. The same could be said for my uncle, though it was because he believed that I did something to upset him.

Suddenly, I saw Lila Rossi talking to someone in the alley and listened into her conversation. The person Lila was talking to was wearing a clock with a black and purple jumpsuit with an eye on the chest. Inside the eye was Hawkmoth's symbol.

"You're keeping an eye on Marinette and her gang?" She asked.

"I have. However, I'm unable to find the identity of Ladybug nor do I know where the Miracle Box is." Said the figure.

"Well, Hawkmoth is getting impatient. If we don't find out who Ladybug is, we'll never get her miraculous." Lila said.

"I remember Adrien telling me that Marinette is Ladybug. But, I laughed at him and told him that there's no way that Mari-trash can be Ladybug. Especially with her clumsiness. What's next, her lovesick boyfriend's Chat Noir?" The figure said with a smirk.

"Regardless, Eye Spy. I want you to keep giving Ladybug a bad name until we expose her. If Marinette is Ladybug, then Hawkmoth will be able to target her and obtain her miraculous." Lila said.

"And what of Emerald Shadow, Viperion and Tigress?" Eye Spy asked.

"We'll let Tank deal with them. Just like those two. Knuckleduster and Scarlet. It's a good thing that the news said that they're missing instead of dead." Lila said.

My eyes widened in shock as I quietly slipped away. As I tried to process what I just heard, I felt a cat brushing against my leg. As I crouched down to pet it, it purred with comfort. 

"Adrien said that Marinette is Ladybug. And Lila is working for Hawkmoth? What have I gotten myself into?" I muttered as I fed the cat a tuna sandwich and watched as it slipped inside the shadows. As I got back onto my feet, I saw Tigress running on the rooftops and heading towards Nico's house.

Curiously, I followed her.

Nico POV

As I showed them the email and the pictures, Marinette leaned on her seat in shock while the others tried to take in what they saw. I heard Samantha knocking on the door of the attic and opened it.

"I brought cookies for you and your friends. And Daphne's here as well." She said as she handed me a plate of cookies while Daphne entered my base.

"Thanks." I said as I entered my room.

"So what did I miss?" Daphne asked as she pulled off her jacket and boots, revealing a dark blue jumper, dark blue denim shorts and a pair of tights. I gulped as I tried not to stare at her legs.

"Well, we found out that Lopez has forged his licence with the aid of Madam Fox." Luka said.

"Who's Madam Fox?" She asked as she bit into a cookie.

"That's who we're trying to find out." Marinette replied as she feed Tikki a cookie.

"Yes. I wonder who." A voice said behind us.

I picked up my staff and pointed it at the person behind us, only to find Felix with his hands up as a sign of surrender. His face was calm, yet curious.

"How did you get in here?" I asked.

"Let's just say that I have my ways. Anyway, you better tell me what's going on and how you got all this equipment?" He asked as he looked at my staff.

I looked back at the others and sighed. 

"Fine. I guess we might as well tell you." I said as I folded my staff and explained to him everything. Including the fact that I am Emerald Shadow and Marinette is Ladybug.

After I finished, Felix nodded as he took in everything I said.

"I see. So what Adrien said was true. Which would mean that if Eye Spy finds out, she could use it as a way to get famous." He said.

"What do you mean by that?" Marinette asked.

Felix told us that he overheard Lila talking to an akuma known as Eye Spy, who has the ability to watch and listen to conversations via mobile phones and cameras.

"No wonder I felt that chill from patrol." I muttered.

"I felt it too when I was going to Physics. Could it be that Eye Spy might've been watching us?" Marinette added.

"If so, I'd advice you be careful." Felix said as he made his way out of the attic.

"One question. Why are you helping us?" Luka asked.

Felix looked back and smirked.

"Because that's what friends do. They look out for each other. And don't worry, I won't tell anyone. Your secret is safe with me." He said as he left, not before taking some cookies and tasting one of them.

"MMM. Your mother makes good cookies. Though I do prefer Marinette's ones." He said.

"Bite me!" I retorted angerly while Marinette giggled.

"I'll pass. Ciao." Felix said as he left.

I tutted irritably and sat down in a huff.

"I mean, he's not wrong. But still." I muttered.

"Ok. With that out off the way, how about we take it from here and keep an eye out for Eye Spy?" Luka said as he picked up his jacket and exited the attic with Marinette.

"Yeah. See you guys tomorrow." I said as I waved goodbye at Daphne as she put on her coat and boots. I sighed and started sharpening my shuriken and kunai and making more smoke bombs.     

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