1: Investigations

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The evacuation went as rough as sandpaper, as Blueberry wanted to stay there and die (he most likely forgot about MePhone), Lifering argued with OJ on "safety measures" and Fan wanted to finish his Percy Jackson book.

It took 2 hours for all of them to get out of the place, and when they did, they saw that Hotel OJ was now reduced to its base. What was once a 26-meter giant had been made into a humiliating, 3-inch dwarf.

"Now that everyone's out of the hotel, what the heck happened?" OJ asked. "Um, didn't you notice? The hotel is gone, stupid!" Yang remarked. He felt a little stupid, but the same question was going through his, and the other's, heads-Who did this?

The scene was filled with confusion, crying, and someone trying to make jokes. Gossip filled the air as some theorised that it was Taco, however a certain someone didn't agree with that theory. Cheesy said that it was someone named Joe, but they all knew who Joe was.

"OJ," Paper said, "I know that it's... hard to face this, but uh, we could- work together to find the culprit?"

OJ thought long and hard. "Sure. Anything for you, sweetie." Paper was flattered "Ok, then, stop working long nights and get some sleep!" He quipped, but it was time to investigate. All the nooks and crannies, just something that could give them a clue to who the culprit was.

Hm? It was some green hair, a wire, and a lighter. OJ figured that here could only be one person who could've left a trace of that, it was her, the dastardly backstabber, the malicious manipulator, it was-
"Taco?" OJ asked. He hasn't seen the runner-up since the end of season 1. He figured that she would've done this, as he had heard about her extreme measures. "Haven't heard from her in a while, where should we go from here?" Paper asked. "Maybe The Perilous Forest? It's a secluded area, perfect for her."

They went in The Perilous Forest to get answers from Taco, or at least to gain an alibi. As the hotel manager strolled through the dark forest and the creepy aura, he began to wonder the reasons for why she 'cooked the tell'. It went from her just hating the entire cast to her secretly working with an underground agency that had been running for 401 years. After all, when you're a manager of what feels like 50 people, anything can happen.

As they were walking, the 2 'lovebirds' found a tree stump with little teacups and a teapot. "Taco!" Paper called. No response. He kept on shouting her name to the point that the other contestants could probably hear him. "Taco, hello?-" He heard some rustling in the bushes.

"What is it?" Taco came out from the shrubs. OJ went to the little tree stump and sat on the floor in front of it. "We want answers," He slammed on the stump, "Why did you burn my hotel down?" OJ said in a stern voice, similar to how he talked to Cherries. Taco chuckled, getting to the opposite side. "Are you really sure that I did that?"

"Y-Yes! Who else was the culprit?" OJ countered, "The green hair, the wires, and a lighter-that was YOU!" Taco grinned, then had an annoyed face. "I forgot!" Taco exclaimed. The two had their evidence of her burning the hotel. Taco tried to speak, "No, I was-" Paper interrupted, "Anything you- " Paper skimmed through his notes from law school. "...say or do WILL be used against you in court!" He started jotting down some notes. That was all he needed for the lawsuit, just a pen and a paper (although he wasn't an excellent lawyer, he could sway them in the right direction).

"Hold on," Taco interrupted, "You found green hair? I got rid of that MONTHS ago! The cigar? I was out there smoking a blunt, a week ago!" She stood up. "I've heard of another green-haired individual who hates the contestants more than me. But beware, he's infamous for many crimes."

Who was that? Paper skimmed through his memory of trials he's gone to. Was it that weird-sounding person who stole a 50-million dollar island? No, it was a she. Was it that individual who looked transparent and trapped random people from different places for his twisted game? No, that couldn't be it. Think Paper, think.

Hmm, what about celebrities? What about... no, it couldn't be. Wasn't he the reason behind why this whole show happened? But, it's too plausible.

"Cobs?" Paper asked. It didn't seem out of the question, the description matched the images he saw on those news articles about his newest (and DEFINITELY different) MePhone. "My friend, you're not that naive as I previously observed," Taco teased. "But, I feel as if you fell for a red herring."

"Ok, but, what if YOU were setting up a red herring?" Paper countered.

"Please. Trust me for once. I learned from a friend to not... use my extreme measures."


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