8: The Façade Wears

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Suitcase raised her bat and parried the attack.

"Why did you do that?" She asked.

" Why did you do that? " They mocked, "Because, you're meddling in Cobs' affairs. He'll make everything better, trust me."


The sword was stuck to the wooden weapon, and she swung it, throwing the person on the ground.

They got up, "Wait, I thought it was his assistant, Toi-"

And then, they were knocked back down by Fan's telescope. "That'll teach you to not try to kill my friend!"

"Goodness, you're pathetic." They teased.

"What do you mea-" The sword slashed against him, creating an open wound on his gut area.


He stumbled back, holding his bloody chest, the wound throbbing with pain. The only time he felt an abundance of physical pain was the maze challenge where a laser burnt his face off.

Fan couldn't process most of the things he saw. He could only see a wounded Knife trying to stab the person. What was their name, anyway?

"Wh-whats your... naaame?" He groggily said.

"What's my name?" They chuckled. "IS THAT ALL YOU CAN SAY?" Their chuckle was turning into a wheezing laughter.

They pushed Knife away. "Well, at least you would know what my name is before you die." They raised their sword, the point of it staring at the other's face.

"I'm MePod, and-" Before they could finish their sentence, Suitcase whacked them with the baseball bat, almost disarming them.

"O-oh, thanks!"

She looked at the shelves, and tossed her bat to Fan. "Stand here, I'll go do something."


She ran as fast as she could over to the shelves, and got a sword. After that, she ran along the walls, then when she was behind MePod, she grabbed the hilt of her sword, and slammed it into the back of their head. They caught themself as they were falling, turned themself around, and slashed their sword to her cheek to her mouth.

The brunette ran over to the door, but realising that it was locked. She ran to Fan, and grabbed the baseball bat out of his hands, replacing it with her sword.

He dealt a heavy blow to MePod's abdomen, and told Knife to watch them. The blogger got the temporary paralyser, and paralysed the Meeple employee. He got Knife's hand, and dragged him over to the door, which was getting continuously hit by Suitcase's bat.

"How long do they get paralysed?" Knife asked.

"Around 5 minutes." Fan answered.


"A-anyways, HIT IT FASTER!"

"I CAN'T!" Suitcase frantically exclaimed, which made the wound hurt even more.

After what felt like seconds of hitting, MePod got up and grabbed their sword.

"You think you can escape?" They said, walking over to the three. And then Fan got his telescope and temporary paralyser, connected them, and blasted MePod to bits.


All that action distracted Fan from the gut wound. It once again throbbed, and he sobbed in pain.

Suitcase dropped her bat, and knelt down to him. "Hey, we'll fix that up later, okay? I'm sure Test Tube prepared some gauze for us!- ow!" Her mouth wound was also catching up to her. "Also, I might not be able to talk normally for a while."

Fan chuckled. The other got up and continued to break the door. After that, the three all went out to the main building.

The three checked their backpacks for any medical supplies-there wasn't any. They decided to try to cover up their wounds-well, everyone except Knife. Suitcase found a mask lying around somewhere, and back at the small warehouse, Fan changed into a wool sweater, which was unbearable in the heat.

After that, they looked for a hospital.

While doing that, they were silent. They didn't want to talk about what had happened earlier, with the fight and Fan blasting someone to bits.


Cobs dialed MePod's number. No reply. He did it again-nope.

He probably did that 5-10 times until he realised something. No, that couldn't be possible, right? He called again, just to make sure.

MePod missed your call.

The CEO was angry. How did those three kill them? They were an important cog in his machine of innovation, they were trained to be an experienced swordfighter! They were capable of stopping them!

My next product is gonna be to alter luck, so that stupid comedy troupe would stop messing with me , he thought.

He couldn't make a new product, there's only 2 days left before this gosh darn event.

Cobs reflected on the history of Meeple. From his humble beginnings in his garage, to him leading a special pseudo-military operation in space, to him leading another one, which was stronger, to the recently conceived Device, which is going to make the operation easier.

He sighed, and got to work, making sure that all of his employees were in line.

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