5: Set Up

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As Knife heard her question, he frantically checked every nook and cranny of the building for something.

"What're you... looking for?" Suitcase asked.

"Hidden cameras." Knife said as he picked apart a stuffed toy. He looked shocked after he said that, probably because he was nervous about the person looking at the hidden cameras finding out that he was looking for them.

"We literally talked about how we hated Meeple." Fan exclaimed, ready to facepalm.

"It's social suicide, which is better."

The one in red snickered at that statement because it reminded him of a movie. "Didn't know that you watched that."

"None of your business!" Knife half-joked. He just finished examining the living room-which was more of an area-and he moved on to the kitchen. This went on and on until he was done with the top floor.

Knife went downstairs, "I think we're safe to talk about this, however, I couldn't think of a solid plan," He said, "We'll talk about this in the morning."

"Knife, it took you literally an hour to check every single item for a camera." Fan remarked.

"Give him a break, he's been nervous about them this whole time." Suitcase said.

He rolled his eyes, then ran to the TV. "This thing's only got-" A Japanese game show played. "Comedy and the news."


A few hours passed, and they were all in bed on the second floor-it looked like they were just under the triangular roof, and it had 2 bunk beds positioned at opposite ends of the room with a small bedside table between them.

Fan was reading one of the books that were in the little cabinets on the table under a nightlight. He was under Knife's bed where he was looking at the empty ceiling, presumably thinking of a way to get past the bridge. Suitcase was on the other bed, sleeping.

The one reading the book flipped a page of it, and then Knife grunted-presumably out of frustration-put a blanket on, and went to sleep. That left Fan being the only one awake.

He glanced over at the digital alarm clock-which-and thank the stars-didn't have any sign of Meeple on it. It read "00:37", and he turned off the nightlight, and went to bed.


The alarm clock rang, and made Suitcase jump out of her bed, hitting her head under the higher bunk. She cursed under her breath, then tried to return to sleeping, but looked at the clock-"10 AM?"

"Yes, 'Case, you just have a bad sleep schedule." Knife said, obviously being half-asleep. He got his blanket, and threw it over his head.

"Says the one who obviously doesn't wake up at 10 in the morning."

Knife chuckled at that, and she smiled. Getting out of bed as silently as she could, she tiptoed her way to the first floor. She got the remote, and turned on the TV.

There were only 10 channels available, but she stumbled upon the stand-up comedy one and left it on as she went to the kitchen and made herself breakfast with the only food in the fridge. She felt a little guilty, of course, but she figured that the other two were gonna go eat snacks for breakfast.

Suitcase got the frozen enchilada, and microwaved it. While she was waiting the two minutes the microwave was heating up, she thought about the mission. The whole day she was in the city felt so active, like she didn't have the chance to get some alone time.

But, alone time isn't possible, She thought, We have a mission.

The microwave beeped, and she took out the enchilada. As she was eating it, more thoughts were circling in her head-Maybe, a little alone time is fine? Maybe?

Footsteps were heard stepping along the stairs. The brunette turned to look at them, "Hello Fan! I'm sorry that I ate this, I know this was the last one here."

Fan rubbed his eyes, "No, no, it's fine..."

He went to the door, but Suitcase stopped him. "Where are you going?"

"To the store?" He said, with a heavy layer of sleepiness. "I remember reading about... sundry stores here... or something..."

"I could do it!" She replied, with her backpack already on her back.

"It's fine... really..."

"Oh, okay!" The one with the backpack put it down. "Just, be safe! Also, wash your face."

Fan replied with a small 'oh' and went to the kitchen sink, and washed his face. After that, he grabbed around 10 bucks from his backpack, then went out.


Finding a sundry store (or, "sari-sari stores" as the book described them) was easier than expected. Fan found one just across the street, and looked at the collection of items-Brownies, cookies n' cream, chips, bubble gum, everything that could make a child feel like Christmas came early.

He thought about it, long and hard (or for 5 minutes). He then decided on the most healthiest option, or as healthy as the choices could be.

"How much are the brownies?" He asked.

"2 buck a piece." The shopkeeper said.

"Oh, then I'll take 2!" He grabbed the money from his pocket, and the shopkeeper got them, and gave him some change.

"Have a nice day!" They said.

"You too!" Fan replied, then covered his mouth in embarrassment, only to realise that he said it in the right way, then got back to the inn.


When he came back, he saw Knife and Suitcase watching one of the comedy channels. The TV showed a man getting hit off by what looked like the fist thingy and sound effects of laughter and a *boing* sound. Knife laughed so hard, mostly because of the stupid sound effects.

"Hey, Fan, come join us!" He said.

"Didn't know you liked this so much!" Fan rushed to the couch.

Knife made a little shushing noise, then kept on laughing. Fan didn't ask his friend about this, he was going to a later time. He gave Knife the other brownie that he bought.

"Uh, thanks!"

"You're wel-" Fan was interrupted by another sound effect from the TV.

After a few minutes of laughing their hearts out, Knife hardened his expression. "So, about the plan,"

They both turned to look at him.

"Last night, I was thinking about sneaking through the bridge but realised that we had to cover our identities for safety, and the clothes would probably cost more than a hundred buckaroos if y'all were not careful. So, maybe we could go do some shopping at a nearby mall for extra clothes and other stuff. Sure, it's a risk, but," He crossed his arms, "What do you think?"

They both nodded with a determined look on their faces.


Next thing they knew, they were at Oltekio Megamall's food court-A dozen shops were lined across the walls, and stands were set up outside the court, with round tables and chairs put in the middle of it all-eating some sausages (the shop called it hotdogs) with rice. It cost relatively cheap, around 10 bucks. (Knife paid for it.)

"So," Suitcase said, with food still in her mouth, "Do you have a plan for not getting caught?"

"That's the neat part," Knife swallowed his food, "We don't!"

She swallowed her food, and facepalmed. "And here I thought you were the brains of this..."

"Hey, don't blame me- I'm not exactly known for brains-"

"Well, you're the smartest out of all of us!" Fan butted in, "Which is kind of like being the tallest dwarf," he then mumbled.

"I heard that- anyways, finish your food, after that, shopping."

A small cheer rose from the other two, which made Knife smile a little.

They finished their food, and it was time for shopping. Fan made his way to the department store, Knife reluctantly went to the nearest Hot Topic, while Suitcase went to the art store.

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