3: The City

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Noon fell, and they were gonna have to eat lunch. "How are we gonna eat?" Fan exclaimed. "We're gonna have to take turns." Knife said. "I'm sitting out on this, you two can eat."

Suitcase put her baseball bat in her backpack, and so did Fan, but with his telescope-blaster. They reached in for their lunches-for Suitcase, it looked like a burrito with the usual toppings except it looked like it was made during a world war or the Great Depression-Some shredded lettuce, beef and sourcream. For Fan, it was a chicken nugget with no spices, something he hated too much.

"God, no spices? Even the guys from that one Netflix show can do better than that!" He exclaimed, and he brought the nugget closer to his face. "Sorry that you've gone through that, I'll promise to have a talk with the person that made you like this." The blogger whispered.

Suitcase chuckled at that, then ate her burrito.

"When will we get there?" She asked.

Knife looked at his map, then grabbed a ruler from his backpack and started measuring. He thought for a moment, then looked back at Suitcase.

"Around 1 more hour, if you'd stop being annoying." She looked offended, then munched some more on her meal.

"God, what is his problem?" She whispered to Fan.

"I don't know, but it's best that you don't tick him off more." The blogger whispered back.

After a few minutes, they finished their lunch. "Ok, so- who's gonna be moving the thing?" Fan asked. Knife pushed him to the small cockpit. "You."

"Oh, okay." Fan put on a mischievous smile. He was about to make this the fastest boat the world has ever seen. He put his hand on the throttle, preparing to send it to full speed.

"3... 2... 1..." Knife held onto his seat.

AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH! They all screamed as the boat was going faster than ever before. The water from the ocean hit Knife and Suitcase, almost like the extreme winds picked up some rocks from the sea, hitting them hard.

By the time Fan was finished, it had been 30 minutes. He was kind of dizzy, but he still could talk and walk without wanting to lay down and sleep.

"Knife... how far have we travelled?.."

"Well, we could see the island from here." Knife remarked.

The island looked like it was fortified by around two layers of trees with only a small opening which looked like the port.

"Huh, not bad, Boaty Jr.!"

"Well, I have to eat my lunch, at 1 in the afternoon. But-and I'm genuinely telling you this-thank you." He complimented. "But Fan, for the love of god, do not take the wheel."

Knife got his lunch which was a loaf of bread. He half-heartedly ate it, taking big bites but chewing them slowly.

When he was done, it was time to get to the city. Taking the wheel, he sailed it to the nearest dock and when they got closer, there was a giant sign that read "Oltekio City Port".

"I've been wanting to visit this place since the day I was born!" Fan exclaimed. "The snacks, the landmarks, the history, the culture! All blended together in a smoothie of greatness!"

When he looked back, Knife and Suitcase were waiting for him at the edge of the docks. "Oh- sorry!" Fan climbed up the ladder leading to the docks.

The three climbed up to the edge of the dock, then took in the sights of the city.

Behind the defensive look the trees had, there were a lot of buildings circling around a very old fountain, making the shape of a roundabout. Cold air breezed through their hair as they took in the sights of the city.

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