11: Apology

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As Knife stepped out of the café and onto the hot, burning pavement, he thought about what he could do with the money. It was five pieces of 10 dollars stacked on each other.

He put the money in his front pocket to avoid pickpockets, and went forward from the building. The streets were confusing as normal, and the billboard advertisements still were visible under the noon sun. Speaking of, one of the billboards displayed a vertical picture of Cobs looking back at the viewer—hands behind body—and text below it saying, Don't forget, the new Meeple event is happening TOMORROW at the HQ. Get ready for an out of this world experience.

"Just like in Oltekio," Knife muttered. If he had to apologise to the others, the time he should do it was within this day. Just as he realised that, his heartbeat started accelerating, an urge to run full speed ahead growing. He didn't want to run off looking like a weirdo, so he decided to walk wherever the pavement took him. Yeah, this new 'impulsivity' thing was starting to take over his life.

After a few minutes of walking, he eventually bumped into a stranger, sending him back to his senses and making him take in the scenery (although the scenery wasn't the most graceful.)—a place labeled Newspaper Place! with subtitles under the main text saying (because no-one reads the paper anymore, I mean, is crossword that boring?). The roof had an overhang on top of some stalls which were the main attraction.

Crossword, Knife thought. That's it! He got in front of one of the sellers.

"Can I buy a newspaper?" He asked.

"Sure. 3 dollars each."

The self-proclaimed jerk reached for his front pockets and got a $10 bill (he tried his best not to laugh at the face on there) and paid for it, and got his change. The news on there was the usual—celebrity gossip, robberies, and something about a mysterious ash pile in the blacksmith.

He flipped through the pages, making sure that the crossword was there. He eventually found it, with the hints alluding to tech items—Meeple. He thought.

Next up on the agenda: Suitcase's gift. He did the same method of walking where the pavement took him until he bumped into another person. However, he couldn't really 'get in the zone' as easily as he did before so he just thought about what he was gonna give to her.

Flowers? Nah. A new book? What series does she even like?

Knife thought about this as he walked on the sidewalk. Then, he thought about strategies for tomorrow's event.

We should be able to communicate with each other without talking, but morse code is kinda their thing...

There are other 'secret languages' in the world, though. Maybe Fan knew them. Wait. Fan.

There's a fan language thingy, isn't there?

He bolted off so that he could find the nearest thrift store, or an old-timey themed store. The guy must've looked like he was in a rush to find the ongoing gang fight, but he didn't care. He spotted a thrift store, but it was across the road.

"Damn it," He complained under his breath. The nearest pedestrian crossing was goodness knows how far away. The only thing he could do was just to cross the road, and cross his fingers that he wasn't gonna be run over.

Knife ended up walking across the street like he was in Crossy Road . Sure, he looked like an idiot, but at least he wasn't rushed to the hospital before he could get a gift for one of its inhabitants.

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