2: Setting Off

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"First time I'm ever thanking her!" OJ exclaimed. They were walking and talking as they exited the forest.

MePhone went to the once-towering hotel, and asked, "Who did it?" and instead of a direct, calm answer, it was filled with a chaotic mess of name-calling. And the chaos was just in time for OJ and Paper to come back to the scene.

"Should we tell him?" Paper whispered. OJ looked down on the ground, then looked at Paper in the eyes. This feeling was new, the adrenaline rush from knowing who the culprit was. Was this the feeling Paper got at his trials? Maybe. "Sure." OJ agreed.

Both of them went through the crowd, and eventually went up to the former host. "We think it was Cobs."


Cobs? That sad, old man who demanded everything from him, MePhone thought.
But, it was the logical answer to the question.

Everything came flowing back, his first moments, the reality show that aired, the spaceship, how he wasn't supposed to "sneak up on Cobs like that", him finding 3GS, and him rescuing MePad. But, he didn't want to repress the memories anymore. It felt less than personal now. It felt like everyone around him was now experiencing the almost tyrannical behaviour of Cobs. "Oh. Him." He grumbled.

Fan spoke up from the crowd. Cobs meant something to him, and not in a good way. "If you wanna stop him MePhone, I'll do the best I can to help," He declared, "He stole the eggs, I'll take them back."

That statement was a bluff. He couldn't fend off the Prime Shimmer by himself when they captured him, how much could he do if he was fighting an army of super-powerful robots? Not a lot, he figured.

"Sorry, Fan, but I gotta stay here," Test Tube said, "MePhone is now paranoid about breaking-and I can't blame him-and he wants me to fix him whenever he, physically, breaks." "It's fine, Testy. I'll figure out a plan to do this all by myself." Fan assured.

After that, he went to the calm down corner. He wanted to think of some plan, but it didn't want to be thought of. His brain felt like a maze, taking turns to some kind of exit, but the exit was so far away.

"Hey, can I come sit down with you?" A short, brunette girl asked. "Hi, Suitcase! Also- yes, you can."

"So, if you're comfortable, what's bothering you?" Suitcase asked. "I'm just annoyed at the fact that I can't seem to think of a plan to- to take down Cobs."

"In tough times, you could get a... second player!" She reassured. "Everything's made a bit easier with a player 2!" Fan smiled, then looked at her. "Thanks." "No problem!"

They didn't know what their plan was, but they had a basis. They quickly stood up. "C'mon, let's go back!" They ran back to the crowd, but bumped into Knife. "What're you two doing?" He asked, "Oh, are you 2 gonna?-" "Sorry, we'll try to do something else-" Fan interrupted. "It's fine, I actually wanted to join your little quest." Knife said. "That's great! Now how are we going to do this?" Suitcase asked. "Well, we need to ask- ugh, MePhone."

They went up to MePhone who was sitting under a lone tree and discussed their main plan. "As much as I hate Cobs, you should wait until tomorrow. The chaos of today isn't really in anyone's taste and we don't wanna add more fuel to the fire, right?" MePhone put on a forced grin, "Anyways, just, leave me alone."

They did as he said, and went off to the crowd. OJ and Paper had set up some tents for his tenants-2 people for 1 tent, OJ had said. A campfire was set up, but set off everyone's panic when it was lit up for the night. Fan told Test Tube that they were really going, and she reluctantly agreed to the plan. "MePhone and I will set some things up for you three- you sure you're gonna be okay?"

"Surer than ever."


Even through her smiles and laughs, Suitcase was very much shell-shocked by the event. She had thought that it was one of her visions tormenting her, but Balloon nervously told her that it was real, not one of her hallucinations.

She went into the tent where Balloon was in. "Hey." He said. "Yo." Suitcase replied, with a voice that sounded like she was gonna cry. The pushover sat down and curled up into a ball, and cried. "Tell me what's bothering you." Balloon said. "It- it was so scary. I was scared that- that I was gonna die," She sobbed, "I was- was scared that- that I wasn't gonna s-see you again..."

Balloon stood up and sat down next to her. "There, there," He brushed her hair, "You're upset, it's ok to feel like that. Is it ok if I hug you?" Suitcase nodded. He put his arms around her. The tender feeling of that warm embrace left her cry-smiling. They hugged for another minute.

She wiped off her tears. "Thanks." "You're welcome. I'm sorry about me scaring you about the situation." "It's fine. I know you didn't mean it."

After that, they slept like they always did-hugging each other.


The next day dawned, and they all ate MePhone-generated cookies and pancakes for breakfast. The trio went and went for the tastier-than-normal cookies, they were about to reach for the treat until Test Tube came up to them. "Hey, so, are you ready?" She asked. "Does it LOOK like it?" Knife retorted. "I- well- just finish your food, MePhone and I prepared a few things for you at the place where the boat is."

The trio had finished their breakfast, and as they were about to leave, Baseball called Suitcase.

"Hey, you're prolly gonna need this." He gave an old baseball bat to her. "Thanks?" She replied, "I don't feel like I'm gonna need this, it feels too violent." "I insist; you're gonna be fighting evil robots, and I want you to be safe." "Aww... thanks!" She exclaimed. "Gotta go now, see ya!" "Bye!"

By the time Suitcase went to the wannabe port, she saw a 2-sided whiteboard with a column that said 'DON'T:" at the top. "Phew, everyone's in position, now we list," Test Tube grabbed a pointing stick, "The DON'TS of going on a deadly mission to stop an evil billionaire who wants to exploit aliens for their own good."

"ONE: do NOT use a phone that uses the Meeple database."

"TWO: do NOT split up under ANY circumstances. Just like in horror movies, it is a very bad move. Especially in Meeple headquarters, you're gonna get SLAUGHTERED."

"THREE-well, this isn't really a don't, but this is important-we could not get a hot-air balloon because we have figured that Meeple has updated security and they will kill you on sight." Test Tube looked back at the group, which looked a little shocked. "A-Anyways, you should go north to the nearest city. Here's some backpacks. They have money and food for all of your various needs. And, bon voyage, I guess..."

Knife and Suitcase boarded the boat while Fan stopped next to Test Tube. "I'll be fine, don't worry." "I'll miss you." "Miss you too, Testy."

Test Tube gave Fan her telescope-blaster. "Use it sparingly, mkay?" Test Tube asked. Fan smiled, then gave her a flying kiss in the most stereotypically french way possible. "Are you READY?" Knife shouted. "Coming!" Fan boarded the boat, and they were off.

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