6: Shopping

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At the Hot Topic, Knife felt like he was opening a box of things from his childhood that seemed to have been lost. Some things stayed the same, notably the teenage edginess. He took a look at all the clothes and accessories and swam in the nostalgia, if the nostalgia was a kind of liquid that he was forced to swim in even though he would rather die than do it. At the same time, the liquid felt comforting, like a place where old friends used to gather around and tell cringy jokes.

The metaphorical swimmer eventually got a Bulb Lightyear shirt. He purposefully moved away from the MCR section, the flashbacks he would get would be so embarrassing, his face would turn as red as Fan's wardrobe.

Knife got 30 dollars from his pocket, and put the shirt on the counter with a deadpan expression on his face.

After paying, he walked out of the store, and made his way to the department store to find Fan. The way there was confusing, as the mall was-quite literally-one of those megamalls that he saw in those 'Fun Facts about ___!' posts. He got to one of the many entrances to the department store, which was irritating. But, it was a megamall after all and entrances needed to be accessible for everyone.

"If I were Fan, where would I shop?" Knife thought out loud. Then it hit him. He walked around the department store until he found the Pop Culture Merchandise section. He walked in there, and found Fan almost immediately.

Knife tapped the geek's shoulders. "Boo."

"AAH!" Fan shrieked. "What are you doing here?"

"Nothing, just checking up on you."

The other one paused for a moment, "That's uncharacteristically nice of you," he muttered.

"Heh, anyways, what're you buying?"

Fan shyly brought out an Inanimate Insanity shirt from when the first season aired.

"That doesn't bring back good memories..." The self-proclaimed jerk was in that season, and he remembered Taco, MePhone4S and him burning Marshmallow.

"Hey, Knife, can I, uh, ask you... something?" The one in red asked.

"Sure, it better be worth my time."

"Was everything that happened in the finale... real?"

Knife gripped his bag, the Bulb Lightyear shirt gently bouncing on the plastic. "...yes, why do you ask?" He said slowly.

"He told me about fake fights and stuff. I know it was probably a lie, but maybe you know better than me about... the finale, and all that."

Knife furrowed his brow, then changed the subject, "Hey, what else are you gonna buy? I heard you like Pokémon."

"Oh, right! I do!"

Upon reaching the area with the merch, Fan got one of the shirts, "Honestly, I don't like how companies treat the franchise as just the anime. Like, there's so much more stuff other than that! The games, the manga, the other anime, the spinoffs-there's so much more than just that singular thing!" He turned to Knife, "Oh- sorry for my little rant-"

"No, it's okay." Knife replied. "It actually gave me more... enlightenment, like, uh, whatever the 1700's gave those famous people." He ruffled the ginger's hair. "You're still annoying to me, though."

Fan slapped his hand away. "Heh, also, the enlightenment? That actually was started by the protestant reformation. Actually, it's crazy to think that some random person getting ticked off by corrupt religious people led to a talk show host quitting. I'll make a post about this on my blog when we kick Cobs' butt-"

"Don't you already have a phone?"

Fan didn't realise the device that was in his pocket. "Yeah, but I'm scared to do it, Cobs might know our every move, and we'll fail to do this because sure, we're gonna keep being revived, but like, it's just gonna be a perpetual... thing of dying and reviving, and we're gonna be stuck here- why did I even suggest this, I'm-"

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