9: Injuries

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Trying to find a hospital in the middle of Obolis was like trying to find a teen who wouldn't say "yeah, I sure hope it does" while driving past a road work ahead sign.

It was different from Oltekio. The latter city felt like a home-y place, while the former was a confusing mess of lights, noise from all the cars and the city being a giant maze.

They finally arrived at a hospital-the Obolisian State Hospital.

The lights glowed with a blue tint, the floor being tiled with pure white. Seats were filled with patients who had all sorts of ailments. It looked straight out of a horror movie, if not for the people there. They went in, anyway.

Upon closer inspection, there were plants next to each row of seats. There was a receptionist to the left of the row in front of them, the person there looking like they were barely holding together. They checked in, sat down, and waited for the doctor.

Knife kept on staring at the other two like he wanted to say something, while Suitcase looked like she was lost in thought, and Fan was bouncing his leg in anticipation.

The rain's familiar pitter-patter started, and turned into a storm. The thunder boomed in the background, interrupting whatever the patients were doing at the time.

The self-proclaimed jerk started bouncing his leg too, the urge to say whatever was in his head getting stronger, and stronger, until it couldn't be held back.

He looked at the two.

"We should talk."

Fan raised his finger to talk, but was interrupted by Suitcase.

"About what?" She asked.

"Just, you two go outside with me."

"But, won't that make us si-" The ginger was once again interrupted, this time by Knife making a 'sh' expression.

They followed him outside to the pathway that led to the main entrance of the hospital.


Knife walked up to Suitcase, a passive-aggressive look on his face.

"You know this is all your fault, right?"

"I- well, yes, but-"

"But what ? You-"

"Woah, woah, woah, okay, let's break it up now, will we?-" Fan interrupted.

"And YOU. Why did you just- go along with it?"

"Well, honestly, I just wanted cool swords to swing around-"

Knife put his hand to his face, "God... I wish that you didn't tag along, why did I let you-"

"WHAT'S GOTTEN INTO YOU?" Suitcase yelled.

"I- We're saving the world. You being complete amateurs is-" Knife got cut off.

"Okay, we're total dummies. So? You can't just yell at us, you knew exactly what you were getting-"

"Oh yeah, vilify me when you were the one who almost got us killed."

"Again, you knew what you were getting- what is wrong with you anyways? Didn't I tell you to be patient with us, back at the inn?"

"So- so that's why you were so... nice to me..." Fan muttered.

"Yeah, what about it?" Knife replied.

"I'm glad that- that you were... you know, nice to me, but- but, the fact that, it was because someone told you, and it wasn't from the heart..." The blogger trailed off. "I'm also asking the same question. Why did we let you... tag along?"

The rain poured on them, their hair getting wetter than the pavement. The thunder still roared in the background, and the smell of petrichor was in the air.


"That's what I thought." Fan crossed his arms.

"God, when did YOU get-"

The doors to the hospital opened, and a concerned patient yelled at them to come back in. Knife went back in while the other two reluctantly walked to the door, afraid of another... blacksmith situation.

"You should be in the ER right now," a nurse said, "come with me now."

They all got to the said room, and got treated. Suitcase and Fan distanced themselves from Knife.


After getting treated for his worrying amount of wounds, only then did the guilt punch him in the gut.

Knife shouldn't have done that. He shouldn't have told them that, but it felt too early for an apology. The self-proclaimed jerk (although it didn't seem like it was self-proclaimed anymore) walked out of the hospital with his backpack, and tried to sleep on it in the pouring rain.

It didn't feel the same, though. Every other time he slept, it was with someone else, whether it be on Idiotic Island or in the hotel.

Oh right, the hotel.

The place that he shared many memories with, gone. It felt like he took those for granted. Now here he was, sleeping on the pavement, failing his wild goose chase to find the founder of a company who was probably gonna blow an alien race into smithereens. And it was gonna be all his fault.

For the first time in a long time, he cried.

No-one was there to watch him, and even if there were, it would probably make people think that he was crying over being homeless.

It should've felt good, but the crying just seemed like he was looking for pity. Oh, pity me! I expected too much of my friends and yelled at them for not meeting my expectations! Please, donate in this small can!

He chuckled at that thought. After crying, he immediately went to sleep.

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