14: Steve Cobs, CEO of Meeple

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"I only rehmembah it in bits an' pieces," Toilet began, "But-"

Cobs then covered the former co-host's mouth. "But, we're actually the heroes in this situation. Those aliens were evil, and we tried to stop them!"

"I don't remember them being that evil," Fan commented. "They made jokes with us, a-"

"And, just like me, they might be pretending!" The CEO let go of Toilet, "Don't be so biased, Fan! Why are you trying to hurt me, when, right now, we're making a charity send-off for the Shim-"

Knife then tried to hit Cobs with his friend's baseball bat.

The CEO stood up. "Oh, Knife, so impulsive. I was just talking about how even though those vile aliens tried to stop us, we were going to kill them with kindness!"

"Save it for later," Suitcase interjected. "Fan and I know that you've been neglecting your old creations, simply because they're old, and useless!"

Cobs muttered something under his breath, then shook his head, "Anyway, they're just machines, what importance do they have to you?"

"They're just as human and alive as we are!"

The neglecter sighed, "It is impossible for me to reason with you," He went to the desk and opened his laptop, "so, they'll do all the work instead."

With the click of a touchpad, the buzzing of electricity filled the nervous silence. The three looked back to see multiple MePhoneXs slowly creeping up.

"You know Cobs, you should make them faster," Fan commented.

The CEO smirked, and clicked something on his laptop. The robots were now running towards them.

Knife broke the baseball bat, giving the top half to Suitcase, and they rushed into battle. Fan hit the robots with his telescope, making sure to completely destroy them. He ran back to his backpack, prompting the other two to go all out. Toilet panicked and hid behind a plant, which was by a door that said Backstage.

While the scene was happening, Cobs was laughing in the background. It was faint over the sound of the electricity and the weird horn sound of the robots, but the sound was taunting. It was just as annoying as someone continuously pointing out that Balloon's voice sounded like a certain cartoon character.


Fan remembered that the paralyser was still attached to the telescope, and he promptly face-palmed. Then, he ran back to the battle.

"Stand back!" He yelled, before he charged the paralyser up. The telescope then blasted a ray of light in the middle of the robot crowd. The other two got away from the robots and went to Cobs' desk.

The blogger charged it up again, this time hitting the other robots who were now following him. Even though the blaster was powerful, it wasn't enough to stop the horde of machines.


"Looks like you're no match for them," Cobs teased. "Oh well, it was fun knowing you."

"I'm gonna hit you if you tease us again," Knife remarked.

The CEO snickered, then put his finger on the laptop's touchpad. As he was moving the cursor towards a button—probably the one for releasing even more robots—Knife slammed the device shut. Suitcase held his free hand to prevent him from opening it.

The self-proclaimed jerk then opened the laptop, while the pushover gripped the hand that was on the touchpad. Knife then threw the laptop into the crowd of robots.

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