Chapter 4 - Fight Above The Bay

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The fight was on! The pups and Ryder, in their jets, were speeding towards the bridge of Adventure Bay. With Skye at the front of the pack in her supersonic jet and being the most experienced flyer, she would lead the rest of the pups through formation and attack strategy.

Skye: Alright pups, time to defend our town!

All the pups chanted in unison as they closed in on the opposing fleet, armed to the teeth.

At the same moment, at the other side of the bridge...

The Sith Scarrer watched in anger as he saw 7 jets shooting towards them.

Sith Scarrer: The PAW oldest friends. If only you knew who you were going up against.

He received a transmission from Lord Vader.

Darth Vader: Remember, we only need those pups. Hold them off, destory the town if you have to.

The Sith Scarrer shot a worried look on his face, but returned to his angered mood.

Darth Vader: I sense you still have a bond with those pups.

The Sith Scarrer denied Vader's statement, but it kept bringing back memories of the past.

Darth Vader: You have too much of them inside you. Perhaps I must find a better Inquisitor.

The Sith Scarrer came back to reality just as Lord Vader said those words. He came to an even angrier tone.

Sith Scarrer: I will kill them if I have to! I will get what I deserve!

Darth Vader: Then you shall destroy their town. Once and for all.

The transmission cut out, leaving the Sith Scarrer piloting his fighter alone. He clenched his fists on the controls of the fighter and radioed his men.

Sith Scarrer: Destroy everything! Kill them all! Just leave those pups to me.

The remaining 5 TIE Fighters broke off from the formation, piloting down towards the Lookout as their first place of destruction.

On the other side of the bridge...

All the pups saw the 5 fighters breaking off towards the Lookout. Skye got nervous, but gave orders with confidence.

Skye: Rubble, Rocky, Zuma, you defend the Lookout. Marshall and Chase, you two prepare to face that last fighter. Ryder, go alert people in town. I am going to stay here in case you need me.

Ryder: I like your thinking, Skye. PAW Patrol is on a roll!

With that, all the pups and Ryder broke off in their assigned directions.

In the Sith Scarrer's fighter...

Sith Scarrer: Oh Skye, the best aviator pup I know. DO YOU THINK YOUR SPLITTING OF THE TEAM CAN STOP ME?!

He was filled with rage now, and prepared to kill the cockapoo instantly. But he remembered Vader's words.

Darth Vader: (from memory) ...two pups...

He then heard the Emperor's voice.

Emperor Palpatine: (through the Force) One of power. One of the heart.

The Sith Scarrer knew instantly who to capture.

Sith Scarrer: All fighters, lead the rest of the pups away. I need to capture a certain bounty.

TIE Fighter Pilot: Copy that.

The Sith Scarrer watched as the TIE Fighters turned away from the Lookout, right at the 3 pups flying towards them.

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