Chapter 6 - In the Hands of the Empire

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We last saw our heroes in a time of peril. Adventure Bay is in ruin, the Lookout has been blown to bits, and two of Ryder's beloved pups have been captured by the nefarious Sith Scarrer. Our story returns on the Imperial Cruiser's bridge, where the Dark Lord Vader watches over space as he awaits the capture of the Emperor's necessities.

The Sith Scarrer enters the bridge, a glance around the bridge catches all the officers looking up at him for a second or two, then returning to their duties. He is carrying both the assets, Police pup Chase and Aviator pup Skye. They were said to be the key elements to the Emperor's conquest of the galaxy and to the destruction of the Rebel Alliance. Currently, both pups are knocked out and dangling from the Sith Scarrer's shoulders, who is currently walking across the deck towards Vader. He stands waiting the acknowledgement of the Sith Lord.

A few seconds later, Vader finally speaks up.

Darth Vader: You have acquired the assets?

The Sith Scarrer heaves Chase upright, who had begun sliding down the front of his shoulder plate, then spoke in a grim voice.

Sith Scarrer: Both delivered to you, as promised.

Vader signaled for the Sith Scarrer to bring the two pups forward, and he did just that.

Sith Scarrer: My Lord, may I ask why you need these two filthy pups?

He said this in a dark tone, but immediately after mouthed "Sorry." to both Chase and Skye afterwards. Darth Vader turned to look at the Inquisitor, who had just returned to his former posture.

Darth Vader: They are a key component to the Emperor's conquest, which in order to do so, they must be terminated.

The Sith Scarrer did like the sound of his favorite hard-working pups to be killed this early in their lives. He needed to do something about this.

Sith Scarrer: Where and how will they be terminated?

Darth Vader went silent for a couple seconds, his breathing echoing throughout the silent room.

Darth Vader: Why, it will be the execution chamber, of course. Surely you would care to do the honors since you were the one to secure them successfully.

The Sith Scarrer gulped, turned to look at the non-moving pups, then turned back to Vader.

Sith Scarrer: It will be my surest duty that they will be slayed within the hour.

Darth Vader acknowledged.

Darth Vader: Do not disappoint me, I am expecting to feel death in the force.

The Sith Scarrer then used the Force, carrying the two unconscious pups out of the room, the door shutting behind them. Darth Vader turned back to the open reaches of space, plotting their next move against the Rebel Alliance.

At the same moment, back at Adventure Bay...

Ryder met up with the remaining pups, at the site of the Lookout and told them all the horrible news.

Ryder: Pups, Chase and Skye have been taken by the dreaded Sith Scarrer!

The pups all gasped, but suddenly went into a state of confusion.

Zuma: Wait, who is the Sith Scawwer?

Rubble: Yeah, who even is this guy that crushed us earlier today?

Ryder: You may recognize him by the face.

He pulled up a picture of the Sith Scarrer and was about to tell the pups about the story of the Sith Scarrer, but was cut off by two jets piloting towards them. As they came to a stop, two pups jumped out, wearing similar flight suits to the rest of the pack. A Siberian Husky was the first one to speak.

Everest: (panting) I came as I soon heard about Skye! Where is she?

Another pup, this one a Potcake then spoke.

Tracker: Si, and Chase as well.

Ryder sighed, and pointed to the picture.

Ryder: He took them.

Everest and Tracker both gasped when the saw the scarred face and jumped back behind Rubble and Marshall. The two just looked confused why it was such a surprise to them both.

Ryder: That's why I called you here. I need all you pups to help me rescue Chase and Skye.

The six just stood there, heads turned slightly in disbelief. Rocky was unsure of what was to be done.

Rocky: You're making us go up against the thing that took them and caused all this destruction in the first place?

Ryder nodded in agreement.

Ryder: I'm afraid so, but we don't really have any other choice. Those two are very important to the PAW Patrol, and it would be a real shame to lose them now. So, who's with me?

The pups were hesitant, but eventually, every pup raised their paw reluctantly to save their fellow comrades. Ryder smiled at this sight.

Ryder: Alright pups, to the Air Patroller!

Back on the Imperial Cruiser...

The Sith Scarrer set the two pups down on the table of the execution chamber and looked at all of the mechanisms in the room. He looked over them questionably, thinking of which one he would use to execute both pups. He finally came to a decision and turned back towards the two unconscious pups. The Sith Scarrer walked over to them, leaned over on the table before them, and let out a sigh.

Sith Scarrer: I know Vader said he wanted you both terminated, but I can't bear seeing you two go...I am going to help you out of here.

He walked over to a shocking device, grabbed it, walked back, and activated it on both of them. The two shot awake the next second and were startled at the presence of the Sith Scarrer. Chase let a punch loose across the Sith Scarrer's face as soon as he came to his senses. The Sith Scarrer was knocked back against the wall, and a trickle of blood slowly dripped down his lip. He took out his lightsaber to prevent further tension.

Sith Scarrer: I know you two hate me for what I did, but believe me, I am through with this. I woke you to get you out of this place.

The two, still-woozy pups looked at each other with wide eyes, then turned back to gaze at the reluctant Sith Scarrer.

Chase: You mean to tell me that you kidnapped us just to save us?

The Sith Scarrer nodded.

Sith Scarrer: It was a better choice than saying no and risking my life then. Besides, after they would have killed me, they would have eliminated Adventure Bay.

He then activated two devices on his belt, letting out a signal to whatever he had set them to.

Skye: What are you doing?

The Sith Scarrer turned towards the female pup, and looked at her with sorrow in his eyes.

Sith Scarrer: Like I said, I'm getting you two out. I never said I would be coming with you. The first device I activated was a tracking beacon that I sent to Ryder to come get you. The other...well, I'm going to blow up the cruiser, and Vader along with it.

Chase and Skye were in total shock.

Both: But how about you? How will you get out of this?

The Sith Scarrer chuckled.

Sith Scarrer: Same way I do every time, improvise. Now, before I can let you go, I have to give Vader the feeling in the Force that I have murdered you both. So that means...

He hesitated for a moment, then spoke.

Sith Scarrer: ...I am going to have slit you two up a bit.

The two pups backed up nervously, away from the Inquisitor.

Sith Scarrer: He will kill me if I don't. So if you don't trust me, you still are in grave danger.

The two pups looked at each other again and nodded. They handed themselves over to the Inquisitor, and the work was ready to begin...

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