Chapter Eight - New Year's Resolution

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As the Hero Work Studies was about to resume, the Akatsuki prepared for the days to come. They knew it was only a matter of time before a disaster occurs. On New Years, the U.A. Staff allows their students to return to their homes for a day. While most students had to be escorted by a Pro Hero, Itachi didn't need so due to his father being a Pro Hero. In his apartment complex, Itachi spoke to his father.

Aizawa: You're making excellent progress in your training, Itachi. 

Itachi: Thank you. The Akatsuki has been good to me. 

Aizawa: I'll admit, when Integra first came to us to have you join the Akatsuki, I was more than skeptical. But seeing at how far you've come, I'm glad I was wrong. 

As Aizawa said this, Itachi smiled at his father's pride. As father and son bonded, they thought about their final battle with Wrath. For Itachi, pursuing Wrath was his life's mission. But the idea that Itachi's late mother was once loyal to Wrath's mission troubled him. Aizawa could see that something was bothering him.

Aizawa: What's wrong?

Itachi: It''s about my mother. 

Aizawa: What about her? 

Itachi: When I fought Wrath, he told me that my mother once shared his visions. Did....did you know?

Aizawa: No. Your mom always kept to herself. But when we first met, I could tell that there was something gnawing at her. If only I had known. Maybe none of this would've happened. 

Itachi: You couldn't have known that any of this could've happened. My mother did everything she could to raise me right. I had always wondered why Wrath murdered my mother. But I understand. 

Aizawa: And yet despite all that, you didn't kill Wrath. 

Itachi: What would've that accomplished? Self gratification? No. Not even that. If I killed Wrath, I would be no better than him. If I had done that, I would be forsaking all the values that my mother instilled onto me. But I refused to do that. 

As Itachi said this, Aizawa grew more proud of his son. It was clear that Itachi had greatly matured not only as a Pro Hero, but as a person. 

Itachi: But even with Wrath gone, something is still bothering me.

Aizawa: What do you mean?

Itachi: Back when I visited him in Tartarus, Wrath was convinced that by stopping the Day of the Golden Dawn, I had unleashed something terrible onto the world. 

Aizawa: I wouldn't pay it much mind. It's more than likely the ramblings of a madman. 

Itachi: You and I both know that Wrath is a man who does not make empty threats. But it didn't sound like a threat. It sounded like a warning. 

There was a moment of silence between Itachi and Aizawa. Both Itachi and Aizawa could feel that something was coming. Both could feel that a storm was coming. 

Aizawa: I guess you're not the only one who's felt it. Ever since the attack on UA, things have been quiet. Too quiet. Especially with all that's been going on. 

Itachi: You mean the League?

Aizawa: Among other things. All For One might be locked up, but Shigaraki is still out there along with the bulk of the League. 

Itachi: The Akatsuki has been looking into the League's whereabouts. We even have rumors of a third player being thrown into the mix. 

Aizawa: Just when things couldn't get more complicated. Let's just hope we can weather this storm as best we can.

At this point, Itachi took a moment to reflect on all that has happened. The new year ahead would start with the looming threat of Villains. But not only that, but the warning Wrath had given him back in Tartarus prison. 

Wrath(Past): You may have ended the Day Of The Golden Dawn, but you have no idea what you have unleashed upon yourself. The Day Of The Golden Dawn was humanity's last chance at salvation. There are forces at work that seek to unravel this society and replace it. The Day Of The Golden Dawn would have saved countless lives. Now you've doomed them all. You should've joined me when you had the chance, Itachi. When the time comes, you'll wish you joined me.

As those words echoed in Itachi's head, Itachi wondered what the new year would bring. Despite the uncertainty, Itachi remained confident.

Itachi: I do not know what the future will bring, but I'm confident that we'll face it together.

As Itachi says this, a little girl walks into the room. She looks to Itachi with nervous eyes. 

Itachi: You must be Eri. Hello. I'm Itachi. 

Eri runs over to Aizawa and hides behind him. Itachi smiles as he kneels towards Eri.

Aizawa: It's okay, Eri. This is Itachi, my son. 

At first, Eri remains frightened. But after some encouragement from Aizawa, Eri slowly approaches Itachi. Itachi then pokes Eri in the forehead. He then ruffles Eri's hair.

Itachi: I've always wanted a little sister. 

Eri: S...sister?

Itachi: I want to make you a promise, little Eri. No matter what happens, I'll always protect you. Same as my father. 

Aizawa smiled as Eri hugged Itachi. In that moment, a bond had started between Itachi had become a surrogate older brother for Eri. From that moment on, Itachi vowed that he would protect Eri with his life. As the new year started, Itachi vowed to continue bettering himself as a Pro Hero. And in the days to come, Itachi would soon find himself facing a dangerous new world. 

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