Chapter Ten - Omen

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After their encounter with Taka, the Akatsuki regrouped at the hideout to discuss the details of the attack. At the hideout, they discussed Taka as well as the High End Nomu used in the attack. 

Itachi: According to my father, the High End Nomu are more evolved versions of the Nomu. 

Kisame: That Nomu back at the USJ gave me a run for my money. These Nomu.....

Nagato: It's clear that whoever creates these Nomu for the League have found a way to evolve them. But then there's the matter of Taka. 

Kakuzu: I've checked with my contacts in the underworld. Whoever this Taka is, he's a new player. 

At this point, the conversation turned to Taka's Sharingan. It was clear to the Akatsuki that the way Taka fought and spoke was very reminiscent of Wrath. Itachi's mind quickly fell to his last conversation with Wrath. 

Itachi: When I confronted Wrath in Tartarus Prison, he spoke of how there would come a day that I wished that I joined him. Is it possible that Wrath may be connected to Taka?

Konan: It's a possibility. It might be connected with Danzo and the disappearance of Shisui Uchiha. But there's only one man who may be able to shed light on this situation.....

Itachi: Wrath. 

Nagato: Itachi, I know it won't be easy....

Itachi: I know what needs to be done. It's really a matter of whether Wrath will cooperate. 

Nagato: Which is why you are the best candidate for this assignment, Itachi. It's clear that he had plans for you.

With that, Itachi took on the uneasy assignment of trying to extract information about Taka from Wrath. Itachi then makes his way to Tartarus Prison to speak to Obito. As the guards led Itachi to Obito's cell, Obito sat alone in his cell. When he sees Itachi, a smile falls on his face. 

Obito: Itachi. What a wonderful surprise. 

Itachi: Wrath. I've come to ask you some questions.

Obito: Is that so? Why now? I've been incarcerated for some time and only now do you come to ask questions? 

Itachi: Not too long ago, the Akatsuki were attacked by a man wielding a Sharingan. We know about your raid on Danzo Shimura's compound on the night of the Villain Attack on the UA Training Camp. 

Upon hearing this, a chuckle was heard from Obito. 

Obito: I'm surprised that the Akatsuki would have knowledge on this attack. Why do you ask about such a thing? 

Itachi: Because I know that Danzo had some part in the disappearance of Shisui Uchiha. You raided that compound for a reason. I suspect it had something to do with Shisui Uchiha. 

As Itachi made that connection, Obito smiled as he clapped. Itachi maintained his silence at Obito's gesture. 

Obito: Well done, Itachi. Your intuition serves you well. You are correct. I raided Danzo's compound because he had the eyes of Shisui in his possession. He implanted one of them in his eyes. 

Itachi: One of them? 

Obito: Come now, Itachi. Even you must know that the Sharingan is a powerful weapon. Ever since the creation of Quirks, the Sharingan has proven to be the most powerful. You, me, Shisui, all like us have been blessed with such a powerful Quirk. 

Itachi: What did you do to the other eye?

Obito: You are special, Itachi. I have always known this. But your continued defiance has....forced my hand. I do know that for the sympathy of one living being, I would make peace with all. I have love in me the likes of which you can scarcely imagine and rage the likes of which you would not believe. If I cannot satisfy the one, I will indulge the other.

With that cryptic response, Itachi quickly pieced together what was going on. Somehow, Wrath had created a clone and implanted the remaining eye of Shisui Uchiha to the clone. That clone was Taka. 

Itachi: So you created a clone of yourself? 

Obito remained silent. That silence startled Itachi. He did not know what to make of it. At this point, Itachi lost his temper. 

Itachi: I don't know what you're planning, but if you think you're going to escape and attempt to unleash the Day of the Golden Dawn, you're sorely mistaken! You and your disciples are locked here and you'll never know freedom! You'll spend the rest of your natural days in this place. 

As Itachi said this, he had enough. Itachi left Tartarus Prison, feeling that Wrath would say no more. As Obito was left alone, he simply smiled as he sat in his cell. Meanwhile outside Tartarus Prison, Zetsu watched from the shadows as Itachi left. 

White Zetsu: Itachi doesn't look happy. Do you think he knows?

Black Zetsu: Unlikely. Wrath always was a cryptic bastard.

White Zetsu: Maybe, but you never know. Word can travel fast. What's the old saying? Loose lips sink ships?

Black Zetsu: Only if you keep running your mouth. I'm sure Wrath was cryptic enough for Itachi to not figure it out. But it looks like Taka is doing a good job of sending the message across. 

White Zetsu: I can't wait to see it all go down. 

With that, Zetsu disappeared into the shadows. In that moment, it became clear that while Wrath was incarcerated, he still had some pull over events. And as Hero Society continued to face ever more mounting challenges, the Akatsuki could only prepare themselves for the events still yet to come. 

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