Chapter Thirteen - Crimson Flames

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After contacting the Akatsuki, Kakuzu and Hidan waited in the Valley of Lies. As they waited, for the Akatsuki to arrive, Hidan begins complaining. 

Hidan: Where the hell are those assholes?! 

Kakuzu: They'll be here soon. And keep your mouth shut while you're at it. Scream any louder and someone will walk in here and see the carnage you left behind. 

As Kakuzu said this, the rest of the Akatsuki arrived. When they entered the Valley of Lies, they were greeted by the carnage left behind by Hidan's rampage. 

Nagato: What happened?

Kakuzu: I tried interrogating them about Giran's whereabouts. They didn't comply and....things got ugly. It was unavoidable. 

Nagato: We'll discuss this later. Let's go over what you've uncovered. 

Kakuzu: The Meta Liberation Army kidnapped Giran as a means to lure out the League of Villains to destroy them. 

Kisame: Guess the Meta Liberation Army doesn't like the competition.

As Kakuzu revealed what he knew, it became clear to the Akatsuki that a battle between the League of Villains and the Meta Liberation Army would break out in the heart of Deika City. 

Tobi: This Giran sounds like a bad guy! Why are we trying to rescue a bad guy from two groups of bad guys?

Kakuzu: Because Giran is an information broker and my contact in the criminal underworld. He knows the ins and outs of the criminal underworld. 

Deidara: And how does that help us? 

Kakuzu: Because he may know something about Taka. And if we rescue him.....

Konan: Then he'll be more inclined to tell us what we need to know. 

As the Akatsuki make that realization, the ground began to shake followed by the sound of crashing. Without hesitation, the Akatsuki rushes out of the Valley of Lies to see chaos occurring in several parts of the city. 

Deidara: Looks like the party's just begun.

Nagato: This may be our best chance to liberate Giran while the League and the Liberation Army is busy fighting each other. 

Sasori: That still leaves us with the task of finding Giran. 

Zetsu: That won't be a problem. I took the liberty of scouting ahead. Giran is being held at the central tower deep in the city. 

Nagato: Then let's go. 

With that, the Akatsuki departed from the Valley of Lies and began making their way to the Central Tower where Giran was being held. On the way there, the Akatsuki were ambushed by what appeared to be a Lightning attack. When the Akatsuki recovered, they saw Taka standing before them. 

Taka: I knew you would come. 

Itachi: Why are you here?

Taka: Waiting for you. I wondered if you were ever going to show up. 

Nagato: Now we are here. What do you want?

Taka: Your destruction. 

Without warning, Taka charges at Nagato with a lightning charged attack. Nagato was able to push him away using the Deva Path of his Rinnegan Quirk. Konan then forms several spears from her Origami Quirk and fires them at Taka. Taka summons a Susanoo to block the attack. 

Itachi: A Susanoo?!

Without warning, Taka charges at Itachi. Just as Taka was about land a punch on Itachi, Kisame steps in and smacks Taka away with a blow from Sharkskin. As Taka was blasted back, Tobi steps in. 

Tobi: My turn! 

Tobi then burrows into the ground and places landmines around Taka's location. At the same time, Deidara prepares a Clay Bird and sends it flying towards Taka. Tobi then pops out of the ground. 

Tobi: Ready! 

Tobi barely gets out of the way as the Clay Bird plunges into the ground. The explosion from the Clay Bird detonates Tobi's mines, creating an even bigger explosion. 

Deidara: Well that was easy. Hhm.

Just as Deidara said this, black flames begin shooting out from the smoke. The Akatsuki back away, narrowly avoiding the fire. 

Itachi: Amaterasu.....he wields the Amaterasu....

As Itachi said this, Taka emerges from the smoke, encased in a purple half bodied humanoid Susanoo. Seeing this shocked the entire Akatsuki.

Hidan: What the fuck?! 

Itachi: That's....that's impossible...

Taka: Nothing is impossible when you have the will to make it reality.....

Taka then has the Susanoo form a bow in it's right hand. The bow begins building up power as it aims at the Akatsuki. 

Taka: Drop dead!

Taka then has the Susanoo fire an energy arrow at the Akatsuki. Left with no other choice, the Akatsuki were forced to flee. Though they managed to dodge the arrow, the arrow leveled several city blocks. 

Hidan: Goddamn it! 

Konan: We need to retreat! 

Itachi: We can't just....

Nagato: Konan is right. Taka has powers that we still don't understand. And with both the League of Villains and the Meta Liberation Army fighting an all out war in the city, we can't afford to get caught in the crossfire. Our only chance is to retreat!

Left with no choice, the Akatsuki were forced to treated. Moments later, the entire city seemed to be leveled by some outside force. At first, they suspected Taka to be the cause. However, they would soon find out that it was Tomura Shigaraki that did it. In that moment, Deika City was leveled by the power of Tomura Shigaraki. But during all this, Taka left the ruins of the city, unscathed. In that moment, he had sent a powerful message to the Akatsuki. And that message was that Taka was the eagle hunting in the sky and the Akatsuki were the prey that he would hunt without remorse or mercy. For now, the Akatsuki had to fall back and regroup. 

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