Chapter Sixteen - One's Justice

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As  Edgeshot's team waited outside the Gunga Mountain Villa, the Akatsuki prepared themselves for the coming battle. After a moment, Edgeshot gives the order to attack. As the Heroes charge at the Villa, Cementoss creates an opening that splits the front of the building open using his Cement manipulation Quirk. Without hesitation, Deidara forms a giant claw bird that he, Sasori and Tobi get on. Deidara begins a bombing run, dropping several clay animals while Tobi dropped mines. Sasori commanded a legion of Puppets to attack the Villa. At the same time, the rest of the Akatsuki join Team Edgeshot as they swarmed the building. The Villains inside quickly panic as they muster up a counter attack.

Edgeshot: Not one Villain gets away! They're trained and ready to die for their cause! If any escape, then they'll be free to cause terror somewhere else! This is our chance to end this here and now!

As the Heroes attack, the Akatsuki move through the building, fighting their way through waves of Villains. 

Nagato: Keep up the assault!

Kisame: This is going to be fun! 

Kisame then uses his Water Style Quirk to summon a tidal wave which sweeps many Villains. Konan creates a tornado of Paper using her Origami Quirk. Nagato then unleashes a devastating Almighty Push with the Deva Path mode of his Rinnegan. Suddenly, a Villain with a Berserker Quirk charges in and tackles Itachi into the next room. As Itachi fights off the Villain, he locks eyes with the Villain.

Berserker Villain: This is our turf, you freak! I'll tear you apart for breaking in here!

Itachi: I don't have time for this. 

Without hesitation, Itachi activates his Sharingan and traps the Berserker Villain under Tsukuyomi. As the Villain was immobilized, the Akatsuki regroup. 

Nagato: Very good, Itachi. Hidan and Kakuzu shouldn't be too far....

Suddenly, the sound of what appeared to be chirping birds was heard. Sensing danger, the Akatsuki got out of the way in time to dodge a powerful lightning attack from Taka. As the Akatsuki get back on their feet, Taka faces them with his Sharingan activated. 

Taka: I knew you'd be here. 

Itachi: What game are you playing?

Taka: You'll find out soon enough. 

Taka then pulls out a sword and attacks the Akatsuki members. Konan unleashes a barrage of paper spears, but Taka blocks all of them with his sword. He attempts to attack Konan, but Nagato blasts him back with an Almighty Push. Kisame then charges at Taka and attacks him with Sharkskin. Itachi joins Kisame and lands several strikes on Taka. 

Itachi: Give it up! You can't win! 

Taka said nothing as he lands a swift kick to Kisame's face, knocking him back. He then presses the attack on Itachi. Taka goes for a lightning strike, but Itachi parries the attack. 

Taka: Did you think the attack on UA was the end of it, Itachi? No. It was just the beginning. 

Itachi: The beginning of what?!

Taka: The beginning of the end. Even as Wrath's Day of the Golden Dawn failed, fear was struck into the heart of this society. Even now, your so called "Heroes" quiver in fear of what may come next. And they have every right to be afraid.

 As the battle intensifies, shaking was felt as Gigantomachia crashes through the floor of the villa. What followed was a stream of blue flames.

The Akatsuki were able to barely dodge the flames that were rushing towards them. Taka then seized the opportunity to press the attack on Itachi. Itachi was barely able to block Taka's attack. 

Taka: Even with your eyes, you remain blind. You have no idea what you have unleashed. Even as your allies claim "victory", dark days are coming. Dark days that even you cannot stop!

As Taka says this, Itachi's mind goes back to what Obito said to him in Tartarus Prison. 

Obito(Past): You are special, Itachi. I have always known this. But your continued defiance has....forced my hand. I do know that for the sympathy of one living being, I would make peace with all. I have love in me the likes of which you can scarcely imagine and rage the likes of which you would not believe. If I cannot satisfy the one, I will indulge the other.

As those words echoed in Itachi's head, Itachi was able to muster up the strength for a bold attack. 

Itachi: Amaterasu!

Suddenly, black flames sprouted on Taka's body. As Taka staggers back, Itachi cancels out the flames to land a punch which shatters Taka's mask. It was in that moment that Itachi saw Taka's face. Much to Itachi's horror, Taka's face bore a strong resemblance to his own. 

Itachi: That's....that's impossible....

Taka: You don't know that half of

Taka then lands a punch which knocks Itachi back. He then begins running away. Itachi could only watch in shock as Taka ran off. 

Kisame: Itachi! Itachi! What's going on?!

Itachi: Taka....we have to catch him!

Without hesitation, the Akatsuki began chasing after Taka. When they exit the room, they see Edgeshot and his team pushing the Villains back. It was clear to Akatsuki that victory was near. Soon enough, the entire Akatsuki regrouped. 

Deidara: What the hell is going on?! 

Kisame: It's complicated. 

Itachi: We...we can't let Taka get away!

Deidara: I saw that bastard running in the direction as that giant. They looked like they were heading to where the Backup Team is. 

Without hesitation, the Akatsuki began chasing after Taka. In that moment, the Pro Heroes were able to secure the Gunga Mountain Villa. But what he didn't realize was that events were unfolding that would send ripples across all of Hero Society.

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