Chapter Seventeen - Creati's Gambit

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After splitting up from Raid Team, the Akatsuki followed the trail of both Taka and the giant Villain. They were able to slip past Gigantomachia who was locked in a heated battled against Mountain Lady and several other Pro Heroes. It wasn't long before they reached Yaoyorozu and the others.

Yaoyorozu: Itachi? What are you doing here? I thought you were joining the main raid.

Itachi: The Villa is all but secure. I came here to warn you that a large Villain is heading your way. 

Jiro: Okay. How big of a thing are we talkin' about here?

As Jiro said that, the ground began to shake.

Kisame: Does that answer your question?

Itachi: That Villain is not the only one we have to worry about. Taka is on his way here. 

Nagato: He will not pass. No Villain will. 

Mina: Uh, I thought we had the upper hand.

Yaoyorozu: The last update we received said the operation was going according to plan.

Suddenly, Yaoyorozu was contacted by Midnight.

Midnight(Communicator): CreatI? Can you hear me?

Yaoyorozu: Miss Midnight?

Midnight(Communicator): You know what's coming, don't you?

Yaoyorozu: Yes. The Akatsuki are here with us and warned us about what was coming. 

Midnight(Communicator): No one in our ranks can stop that thing with force. We need you.

Upon hearing this, the young Heroes in training were shocked by this. The Akatsuki could see the fear on the looks of some of the young Heroes. 

Midnight(Communicator): I know I shouldn't ask, but given the circumstances, you must sedate him.

Yaoyorozu: But that--What are you saying, ma'am?

Midnight(Communicator): Make tranquilizers for the Pros. And then get out of there. Fast. If you can't do that, then run, right now. Our Creati will grow into a top-class leader one day. It's up to you, be strong!

Suddenly, the communicator begins cutting into static. Itachi's instincts told him that something was wrong. 

Yaoyorozu: What's going on? Ms. Midnight, are you still there?

Shoji: What's going on?

Jiro: Sounds like Yao-momo's in charge now.

Mineta: If she wants to put him to sleep, why doesn't she just do it herself? Yeah, I mean, is she okay?

Yaoyorozu: She must be hurt. I could hear it in her voice. But she didn't ask us to help her. That's how strong the enemy is.

Mina: We can't just stand here!

Kirishima: Are we running away with our tail between our legs? No way!

Sasori: We've seen what is coming, both the giant and Taka. Fighting them both won't be easy. 

At this point, Yaoyorozu began to feel a great weight being thrusted upon her shoulder. While she wanted to help Midnight, she knew that holding back this Villain was the best thing they could do. Itachi then turned to Yaoyorozu.

Itachi: Momo?

Yaoyorozu: Right. Earphone Jack and Tentacole! Use sound to track his approach and calculate how long it'll take him to get here! Get a rough estimate of his size, too. Mudman, please lend us your strength, as well! Everyone, be prepared to move!

As Yaoyorozu began formulating the plan, Jiro and Shoji followed Yaoyorozu's orders and used their Quirks to track and calculate Gigantomachia's movements. Itachi used his Sharingan to get a good look on Gigantomachia. The trio quickly saw Gigantomachia approaching them.

Jiro: Crap, even I can see that thing now! He's so fast. He'll be here in less than a minute.

Nagato: Do you see Taka, Itachi?

Itachi: No. 

Suddenly, Jiro could feel a shift in the vibrations.

Jiro: No, something changed! He's slowed down a little.

Shoji: He's approximately 25 meters tall! Bigger than Mt. Lady!

Itachi: Mountain Lady and the Pro Heroes must be holding him back. Buying us time.

Yaoyorozu: It's been a year since we enrolled at UA High. And in that brief period, our teachers taught us that a real Hero never turns their back or runs from an enemy.

Itachi: Momo is right. It won't be long until that Villain comes for us. The Pro Heroes are holding back that Villain, but it won't be long before he reaches us. Midnight entrusted this task to us because she believes in us.

Yaoyorozu: When we suit up and we're outside the school, we're all Heroes! Together. As one. We'll take down this villain.

With that, Yaoyorozu began using her Creation Quirk to create tons of cannisters filled with a sedative. As she did so, the Akatsuki discussed their plan. 

Kakuzu: So what's the plan? Wait for Taka and that Giant Villain to show up? 

Hidan: I'm fine with that. More sacrifices to Lord Jashin! 

Tobi: This whole thing is becoming real scary!

Deidara: You wanted to be a Hero, Tobi. This is what being a Hero entails.

At this point, Itachi was still troubled by the revelation of Taka's true identity. He glanced over to Yaoyorozu, not ready to tell her the truth. 

Kisame: You seem troubled, Itachi. 

Itachi: I...I am, Kisame. Taka....he had my face.

Deidara: The hell do you mean?

Itachi: I mean he had my face. I...I think Wrath may have cloned me. 

Upon hearing this, the rest of the Akatsuki fell silent. Itachi was among the more powerful members of the Akatsuki with only Nagato being more powerful. The fact that Wrath not only cloned Itachi, but somehow managed to keep this a secret. Despite this, the Akatsuki kept their focus on the present threat. 

Nagato: It won't be long until that Villain or Taka come here. We must be prepared for when they do.

With that, The Akatsuki and the Backup Team prepared the area for the arrival of Gigantomachia. In that moment, they would prepare for the fight for their lives. But what they didn't realize was that fight against Gigantomachia would be the start of something that would shake the very foundations of Hero Society. 

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