Chapter Eleven - The Hunt

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As the Akatsuki began their hunt for Taka, Hidan and Kakuzu were tasked by the Akatsuki to search the criminal underworld for signs of Taka. The first place they went to was the office of Giran. As they approached the building, Hidan expressed his impatience. 

Hidan: Do we really have to deal with guy? I saw we just kill everyone we see until we find this Taka bastard! I'm sure he'll make a worthy sacrifice to Lord Jashin!

Kakuzu: Giran is one of the top information brokers in the country. If anyone has any information on Taka, then Giran's the man. And besides, we have our orders, Hidan.  No bloodshed. 

Hidan: I haven't sacrificed anyone to Lord Jashin for days! In Lord Jashin's eyes, it's a sin that can only be forgiven by tributes of blood!

Kakuzu: Like I give a goddamn what you think. If you don't keep your trap shut, then I'll kill you myself.

Hidan: Whatever. As if you could pull it off, Kakuzu. 

With that, Kakuzu and Hidan entered the building and made their way to Giran's office. Upon reaching Giran's office, they noticed that it was ransacked. 

Hidan: Looks like someone did a number on this dump?

Kakuzu said nothing as he searched the office. It was clear that something had happened. 

Kakuzu: It seems someone was after Giran. 

Suddenly, groaning was heard. Kakuzu and Hidan turned to a wounded man laying against the wall. He had a gunshot wound in the stomach. 

Hidan: Well what do we have here? Fresh meat!

Kakuzu: Quiet. Who are you?

???: A....a follower of the cause. 

Kakuzu: Do you know who's building this is? 

???: The information broker Giran. The man funding the League of Villains. He...he will reveal his allies. 

As Kakuzu continues to interrogate the man, the man does a salute by making an L with his hand and placing the thumb on his forehead. Kakuzu immediately recognized the salute. 

Kakuzu: The Meta Liberation Army. So the rumors are true. The Meta Liberation Army is finally making their move. 

As Kakuzu says this, he grabs the wounded man and picks him up. 

Kakuzu: Where did you take Giran?

As the man says this, he spits in Kakuzu's face. Kakuzu sighs in annoyance as he turns to Hidan and nods at him. Hidan chuckles as he walks over to the man and cuts his face. Hidan then licks the blood and activates his Jashin's Curse Quirk. 

Hidan: I've been looking forward to this!

Kakuzu: I'll ask again. Where did you take Giran?

???: Go to Hell!

Kakuzu: Fine. Have it your way. Hidan, do kill him. 

Hidan: Oh I don't intend to kill him now. I'm gonna savor this pain!

Without warning, Hidan stabs himself in the stomach with a retractable spear. He aims for a nonvital area. Hidan cackles while the man scream in agony. 

Hidan: Aw yeah! That's the stuff! How does that feel, huh?!

Kakuzu: You see, my partner relishes in the pain he inflicts upon himself and others. It's a part of his religion. I can stop the pain if you tell me what I need to know. 

???: I....I won't tell you anything! 

Kakuzu: Don't say I didn't warn you. 

With that, Hidan stabs himself again. As he plunges the retractable spear into his stomach, he twists the spear in his stomach, causing further pain. 

???: Damn you.....GODDAMN YOU!

Kakuzu: The pain can end anytime you want. All you have to do is tell me what I need to know and you get to die. 

Hidan: Or don't. It'll be a lot more fun if you don't! Lord Jashin demands his sacrifice! And I intend to make this pain last! 

As Hidan continues to inflict pain upon himself, the man screams in pain. Kakuzu keeps an eye on Hidan to make sure he doesn't cause too much damage. Eventually, the pain becomes too much for the man.


Kakuzu: And where is the Valley of Lies? 

???: Deika City. We're bringing him to....Re-Destro....

Kakuzu: Thank you for your cooperation. Hidan. Finish him off. 

Hidan: Are you serious? But I'm just getting started!

Kakuzu: If the Meta Liberation Army has Giran, then I'm sure you'll have more than enough sacrifices to appease Jashin. 

Hidan: Fine. But first....

Hidan then pulls out his Jashin pendent and begins uttering a prayer to himself and the wounded man. 

Hidan: Lord Jashin, please take this sacrifice of blood and pain. Let this offering of blood appease you. In your name, I have bound this man's life with my own. In your name, I shall savor the pain inflicted by this man's death. Lord Jashin, watch as I free this wretched soul from the fear of death. Watch as I inflict the final pain upon myself. Let my pain and this man's death be another offering for you. 

With that, Hidan laughs as he plunges his retractable spear into his chest, piercing his heart. The attack was bounced back upon the Meta Liberation Army member, killing him. As Hidan relishes in the shared pain, his Quirk wears off. 

Hidan: Yeah....that's the stuff....

Kakuzu: Are you finished yet?

Hidan: Don't rush this, Kakuzu. One must truly savor this kind of pain to honor Lord Jashin!

Kakuzu: We have bigger things to deal with. 

With that, Kakuzu and Hidan began making their way to the Valley of Lies. In that moment, the Zombie Duo would set a course for Deika City. 

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