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Porco and Zeke were standing toe to toe. Porco was several inches shorter than Zeke, but that didn't stop him from jabbing his finger into his chest and yelling inches away from his face.

"You've got some huge fucking balls to show face around here, Jaeger!" He spat.

Zeke's face was unreadable. One thing that made him so annoying was how calm and calculated he could be while being a total douchebag, supremely confident that everything he said or did was correct and above everyone else's logic.

Eren closed the gap between the staircase and the center of the room in a few short strides. Once he reached them, he separated the two by their shirts.

In that moment, you realized the confusing resemblance between Zeke and Eren and connected the dots between the two of them and Armin's words from upstairs.

They're brothers?! The thought hit you like a bucket of ice water. I've been crawling all over Zeke's younger brother upstairs?!

With renewed anger, you launched yourself from the spot you were standing and shoved Eren out of your way to stand directly in front of Zeke. He was much taller than you, but as you looked up into his nonchalant eyes, something inside you snapped.

"You really think you can waltz on in here after what you fucking did?" You demanded, drops of spit hitting his face.

His eyes glittered as the colored lights danced across his face but he said nothing in response.

He's loving all this attention, a little voice in your head spoke. He deserves to be humiliated!

Your vision burned bright crimson and fury rooted itself deep in your chest. Your saliva felt like battery acid in your mouth. Any and all rational thought escaped you and your feet began to move by themselves.

"Keep him right there!" You roared at Porco as you stomped in the direction of the kitchen. Once you entered the houses huge kitchen, you looked through the littered solo cups and snack wrappers along the granite countertops for the knife block. You grabbed the scissors from the center of it and took long strides back to where everyone had gathered to view the spectacle.

Eren was standing close to his brother, his face serious as he whispered in a hushed tone. You shoved him out of your way a second time and in one clean movement, you cut the fabric of Zeke's thin t-shirt and ripped it off violently.

"Y/N! What the fuck are you doing?" You heard Eren exclaim behind you. He started to move to stop you but Porco caught on to what you were planning and pinned both his arms behind his back.

Eren was strong, as you knew from being plastered to the majority of his body earlier. But as beautifully built as he was, he wasn't stronger than Porco. He shot daggers at you as he struggled, spewing out a string of obscenities.

You ignored him and looked up at Zeke. Warmth tingled through your core and down your thighs when you noticed a glimmer of fear behind his eyes. You loved to see him squirm under your cold gaze. This hatred was black and dense, it begged to be unleashed.

"Not so smug now, huh?" You growled at him. "Move and the scissors might... slip," you threatened as you moved the blades down and tapped them against his crotch.

Everyone else was too shocked and curious to do anything but watch as you cut through the polyester fabric of Zeke's thigh length shorts and tore them off. To finish off your dramatic exhibition, you dug the flat edge of the blade against his thigh and snipped away the fabric of his briefs. When you were done, you looked up and smiled wickedly at Zeke.

You noticed his hands tremble and his Addams apple bobbed hard in his throat. No drugs or gambling could make you feel so euphoric as you did in that moment.

All in all, the act only lasted a mere thirty seconds, but this violation would be immortal in the minds of the gathered.

The room spun and you looked around to find Pieck, but couldn't find her face anywhere in the crowd. You stumbled away from the scene, not caring what happened after that. All you cared about was finding your best friend and making sure she was alright.


Pieck was standing quietly on the deck of the third floor balcony, cigarette in her hand. She never usually smoked, unless she was in distress and had no other outlet.

You silently stood next to her and put your hand out. She set her pack of Marlboro Golds in your hand as well as her lighter.

You stood next to her for a while in silence, letting the aftermath of your actions and the twisting smoke wash over you. Was Pieck angry? Hitch? Would you have to deal with Eren after this? Marley University was ginormous, but was it big enough to avoid him forever?

You may have totally ruined the first party of the school year with this fiasco.

No! The voice in your head cried. HE ruined it by showing up with his stupid fucking smug face!He knew something was bound to happen!

"Does it matter?"

"What?" Pieck asked.

"Oh nothing, sorry."

Pieck sighed and turned to face you. She looked so tired but still so beautiful after everything that unfolded. Her eyes were hard when she looked at you for a moment, then softened.

"Y/N, that was a little over the top don't you think? I don't know, couldn't you have just called him a bitch and slapped him or something?"

Pieck couldn't manage to stay mad at you no matter what you ended up doing. You had been known to be extreme in the past, especially in the face of injustices to your loved ones, but tonight was the crown jewel to top them all.

"I did it because it was fun." You heard yourself answer.

Because it was fun?! You thought. Who even am I anymore?

"Y/N..." Pieck trailed off, at a loss for words.

A chill came over then and you gasped for air.

"I-" you croaked, "I don't even know anymore. One moment I'm gambling naked and doing drugs off of strangers and the next I'm cutting Zeke Jaeger's clothes off in front of a crowd? What even happened? I can hardly remember thinking before doing any of it I-"

Pieck interrupted your rambling by giggling, which led to full on laughter. Before you knew it, you were giggling too and laughing outright. You both laughed until your faces hurt.

"Y/N, you have always loved a good time. I think you're just starting to get bored." Pieck said gently. "I also think, Zeke Jaeger totally fucking deserved what happened."

With that, Pieck wrapped her arms around your waist and kissed your cheek.

"Thank you, Y/N." She said.

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