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As you arrived at first period the following morning, you felt your face envelop in heat.

You spotted Armin from the doorway and your feet froze to the floor. You had no idea what all was being said about last night, other than the crazy comments under all the videos being posted of it. You actually had yet to talk to anyone who was there at all, and you weren't looking forward to it.

Armin glanced at you standing in the doorway, then did a double take. He smiled kindly as if to say, "Don't worry Y/N, I'm totally not bothered by walking in on you completely naked and then watching you go insane while cutting the clothes off a grown man immediately after!"

At least, that's what you hoped the brain behind the kind face was thinking.

You forced your feet to move towards him and took your seat. After setting your things down you turned to him and swallowed hard.

"I'm sorry for ruining the party last night, Armin."

Armin looked at you with wide blue eyes and when you finished your apology, they crinkled up as he smiled.
"You're not entirely at fault for it, Y/N. Eren specifically told Zeke not to come because everyone knew something was bound to happen." He explained. "And besides," he continued, "the party didn't really stop afterwards. It went on til pretty late."

You nodded and felt a little relieved. The party didn't end for anyone but yourself and the few directly involved.

"Your friend Porco got punched pretty hard by Eren, though." Armin added.
You didn't remember that happening at all. You felt guilty for getting Porco involved in something he didn't ask to do.
"I don't remember a lot of what happened, when did he do that?" You asked.

"After you left the room. Eren completely lost it and knocked him out and left."

You only intended for Zeke to get hurt, but after a moment, you realized that a few others had become collateral damage.

Fuck them. The little voice hissed. Whoever interferes with what you have planned for him can go down too.

Before you could think about what the little voice said, Professor Erwin drew everyone's attention to him.
"Good morning class," he started. "My first assignment is a simple one. Or at least it would appear to be simple. Choose one partner around you to start. It'll be more interesting to commit to a partner before you know what the assignment is." He chuckled.

Both you and Armin glanced over at each other and nodded in silent agreement to be partners. Professor Erwin gave the class another moment to choose and continued.

"Now that you have blindly chosen your partners, I'll get into it," he smiled. "You both have to write a story. Each of you will write a separate story of any genre, and the one I like the most will get the higher grade. The kicker is," he said with a wide grin, "that your partner has control over your story. The plot line, the characters, the setting, the genre, etcetera. Once it's finished, you can sabotage each other or you can both write to the best of your abilities and leave it to chance. Overall, you'll have control of the grade you get by however you choose to do it."

The class was stricken into silence. Your professors words tickled something deep in you, and for once, you felt wildly excited to do schoolwork.

"There are a few constraints, though. You can't erase the whole story or make it unintelligible. It has to be a story after all," Professor Erwin added. "It needs to retain a plot and make sense."

Armin smiled next to you and shook his head.
"I've gotta hand it to him," he chuckled. "How could he think to make it so subjective yet remain fair at the same time?"

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