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You woke up at noon to the sun in your eyes. You scrambled to your phone and searched through your contacts. Wednesday was a campus wide day off so you didn't have classes, but you still felt a sense of urgency.
With the phone up to your ear you stumbled over to the mirror hanging on the back of your bedroom door. Your hair was completely fucked and your dress didn't even look the same color it had been the night before. Makeup smudged around your eyes. The girl in the mirror wasn't recognizable at all.

"Morning, Y/N." Armin purred on the other end.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake up so late. I hope I didn't waste any of your time." You blabbered in a husky voice.

"No no, not at all. Come by whenever, I'll be home all day."

"Okay, thank you. Text me your address and I'll be over in about an hour?" You asked.

"Alright." He said before he hung up.
You put your phone on the charger next to your bed and picked a pair of Nike sweats and a black ribbed t-shirt to go under your gray flannel. You brought them with you to the bathroom and turned the shower on.
You washed quickly and pulled your clothes on. You did your eyebrows and a little bit of mascara and eyeliner, not wanting to do anything too dramatic for a study session but also not wanting to look like a naked mole rat at Armins house.
Pieck was sitting at the table eating when you walked out and she made a little excited noise.

"Tell me about last night!"

"Uhhh," you began. You weren't sure what to tell and what to leave out. She was your best friend but the whole Eren ordeal was a lot and you were torn on spilling it all out to Pieck. "It was eventful for sure."

"Liiiike?" She pressed.
Before you knew it you were stammering the entire night from start to finish. It didn't take much because weren't good at keeping secrets from her, nor did you want to.

"He WHAT?" She demanded. "And you LET him? And who is Reiner? Did Armin pull anything on you in the car? I can't believe the audacity Ymir has, what the hell? And why couldn't you just take the stairs?"
You could only smile at her pointless string of questions while you turned to the fridge to look for a light snack before heading out.
You sat down with a bagel and some fruit and opened your phone. You scrolled through Instagram for a while and your heart stopped when you scrolled onto one particular post. It was a selfie of Pieck and Zeke in a club. The time stamp was from last night.

"What did you end up doing last night?" You asked cheerily.

"Oh, me? I just went out with Porco and a few friends."
You turned your phone to her with raised brows.

"A few friends, huh?"
Pieck's face flushed and she looked away. She squirmed in her seat and fiddled with her hair, not answering.

"What the fuck?" You spat harshly.

"Look it's not that deep, Y/N!" She said in a raised voice.

"Not that deep? Not that deep? Listen to yourself!" You were shouting now and locked in fierce eye contact.

"He was just there! It's not like I planned it or anything!"

"Why didn't you call me or leave? Are you forgetting the bullshit he fucking did?" You demanded.

"Of course not! But we talked a little and it made me realize I maybe.. missed him a little bit." She whispered.

"You... what?"
You felt a little gross after hearing her say that. Your war with Zeke was by no means over and now Pieck was feeling forgiving so suddenly? After all the nasty things he did?
You stood up suddenly to grab your keys. You couldn't handle hearing any more.

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