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You were completely stunned when you passed by Historia's property as Colt found a place to park.
Colt saw your mouth hanging open and laughed lightly. "It's impressive isn't it?" He said.

"That's an understatement. This is a castle. She lives in a castle in 2022."

A little while after your run in with Eren, Colt messaged you asking if you wanted a ride. You were pretty surprised that there were two major parties back to back, but you weren't going to complain. You never turned down free booze or gambling opportunities college parties typically offered.
Colt had always liked you, but you never considered him as anything more than a friend. He was a nice guy and you enjoyed his presence, but sweet and mellow weren't what you were drawn to in people.
After he parked, he took a twenty four pack of beer out of the back seat of his Jeep and you made your way up the steps and through the heavily scented quadrangle of flowers.

Sweat, alcohol, and weed assaulted your nose as you entered. There seemed to be people as far as the eye could see, stuffed into every corner and crevice of the ground floor. You couldn't help but smile with anticipation of the night to come.
It was a struggle to follow behind Colt through the waves of people as he made his way to the left side of the house. When you finally entered the kitchen, you were taken aback by the grandeur of the marble and high ceilings.

Colt set his beer down on a huge island in the center of the room. There were a couple of drunken stragglers helping themselves to the contents of the fridge and they giggled as they sloppily opened some cans of beer.
Colt smiled at you, leaning against the counter.

"Drink?" He asked, motioning to a perfectly stocked bar.


Colt got to work on mixing different things together and handed it to you in a glass. With an eyebrow raised you asked, "Are there even solo cups here?"

"Not that I've ever seen," he answered. "I'm guessing the staff must deal with the dishes and cleanup every time."

Both brows shot up at that, and Colt chuckled.

"She pays them half a year's salary as a Christmas bonus so I'm sure they don't complain about it," he said. "Speaking of Historia, I wonder where she is."

Colt beckoned for you to follow him and you both left out of a different door on the opposite side of the room. Before you could get down the whole hallway, a petite golden headed girl manifested and grabbed your hand.

"I'm so glad you could come!" She exclaimed. "I heard all about last night and I was sad I wasn't there. Don't worry, I'm not expecting you to rip anyones clothes off or anything. I just wanted to meet you myself!"

"I hope I don't disappoint." You said, realizing it was the hostess herself that gripped your hand.

"Oh, don't be silly! Do you dance? I'm totally buzzed enough to dance right now."

Historia didn't give you the time to answer before she tugged you down the hallway. You smiled back at Colt and nodded towards the dance floor in the center of the main room.
You passed a table that had a few bottles on it, so you grabbed one as you went.
Once she pulled you completely onto the dance floor, you flicked the lid off the bottle and it landed somewhere on the floor. You swigged the bottle and grimaced. Your throat and chest burned and the alcohol wicked away all the moisture from your mouth.
A couple songs went by and you could feel yourself letting go bit by bit. You lost yourself in the music and the feeling of Historia's small frame against your own as you danced.
A few moments after the last song ended, there was a commotion a couple feet away from you.
Everyone paused to see what it was. A drunk guy with grey hair was on the floor with his arms and legs all sprawled out. Everyone around you laughed as someone helped him to his feet.

"I just fuckin tripped on a bottle lid!" He yelled. You felt your face flush with guilt.

Am I really so stupid I threw a lid into the center of a dance floor?

You brought the bottle to your lips and chugged again. The room suddenly went dark as you swallowed. A mic squealing over the speaker broke the sudden silence.

"My boy Connie just ate shit on the dance floor so this next one's for him!" The DJ roared on the mic.
The lights that were set up around the corners of the room flashed red and the crowd went wild as the DJ put on Hypnotize by Biggie.
Someone snatched Connie up, lifting him above the crowd. He ate up all the attention and laughed when someone almost dropped him. He was passed full circle around the room and they set him back down where they picked him up.
You might have felt corny to dance to the song if you were sober, but the vodka had long taken any rational thought and you felt sexy in your dress, so you let the hands of a stranger wrap around your waist.
Your hips rocked against the front of the mystery guy and you reached your arms up to grasp his neck. Instead of skin you found hair. It was silky and long and you tangled it in your fist.
One hand moved from your hip and pressed flat against your stomach, securing you firmly against him. Another hand felt it's way between your breasts and wrapped around your neck.
With his head down, he positioned his mouth above your ear and said, "You've used up the last of my patience."

You shot around, but before you could say anything, he gripped your arm tightly and dragged you off the dance floor.
He jerked you into a room down a pitch black hallway and not only shut the door, but locked it.
Fear coursed it's way through your whole body as you walked backwards to get away from the man. Your legs hit something hard behind you and panic tightened your chest.

You had no place to escape.

Your eyes adjusted to the moonlight from the window on the right side of the room that flooded in, illuminating the stranger as he walked slowly towards you.
It was Eren. His eyes were black and his face was twisted in a vicious scowl.
Your eyes, as big as saucers, brimmed with tears. His intent wasn't clear yet, but it couldn't be anything less than terrible with an expression like that.

You've completely lost your edge. The voice whispered.

With mere inches between you, he craned his neck to look at you levelly. His brown hair hung down and framed his face. As scared as you were and as furious as he looked, you couldn't help but think he was beautiful.

"Why is it," he started, "that I've never so much as met you before in my life, but this year, I can't leave the fucking house without you showing up to torment me?"

"Is that rhetorical?" You choked out.
His nostrils flared and he shot up, stepping back quickly and grabbing fistfuls of his own hair. He spun around and looked at the wall a moment before speaking again.

"Why are you so impossible to deal with?" He asked quietly, his back still turned.

How am I impossible to deal with? You questioned in your head.

"I don't understand." You answered.
He turned to face you again but didn't move from his spot.

"I'm the only one that has bizarre encounters with you. Other than that shit you pulled on Zeke, nobody has issues with you. Explain that to me before I lose it."

The last sentence came out of his mouth like poison and made you flinch.
"I d-don't-" you stuttered.

Something in him ignites a fire, the voice chuckled. Consume him.

Without thinking, you moved closer to him. His face was still dark and terrifying, but you didn't feel afraid anymore.

"I guess it's because there's something in you that attracts me." You whispered dreamily. "Like a lion to a lamb."
He stepped in as well, eradicating any space between you. A hot crackle of energy pulsed through you and your breath caught.
Eren took the side of your face with one hand and brought you closer by your waist with the other.
As he leaned down to kiss your neck, you snuck your hand under the hem of his shirt and felt his chest.
A breathy moan escaped your lips as he bit down with his teeth, the pain causing you to reflexively dig your nails into his skin.
His hand left your waist and he pressed his fingers onto your clit under your dress. The dull ache between your legs blossomed into an exquisite bliss. His hand played over the fabric masterfully, making you yearn for more.
You felt his lips brush your ear and you shivered.

"You're trifling." He said in a cold tone.

With that, he stepped away and left the room.

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