Chap2: I am done with this life ٩(๑'^'๑)۶

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"Today was so tiring....." *sighs*
"After this tiring day, shouldn't I treat myself to the spicy hotpot?....But what about the diet which I had thought of starting? Didn't I gain too much weight recently?
"Ofc not~! Even if I eat one day more, I won't get fat so why don't I eat the hotpot today, life is short anyways~"
But Sometimes I think why this life can't end quickly....=_=||| I want a new life yeah but please give some less sufferings in my next life.....(ToT)God can you hear my screams
*Thunderstorms sounds*
"No way....It won't rain right?"
[Zhou Su reaches her house and thinks of taking a warm bath since she was totally drenched in the rain.]
"Waahhh after such an unlucky day...only a warm bath is needed to get rid of the fatigue of the day"
[She was taking a bath when suddenly the water supply stopped. She still had shampoo on her hair and she couldn't open her eyes due to the face wash on her face]
"What?Where is the water? Wait-- did I forget to pay for the water supply? Huh this was the only thing left to make my day worst."
After 1 hour>>>>>>
"Thank God I had the water bottles in my fridge otherwise I would have been like that in the bathroom till they again start the water supply."
"Ouch!Why is this furniture kept here? My poor feet...."
"What's this? Isn't this the script of the historical drama which Tang Ren rejected? What is this--?? A Biography on the General Chen of State Tongniu ?
[Zhou Su gets interested in the biography as she was always a keen reader and liked historical novels.]
<<Empress Dowager asked Prince Cheng "Are you really never gonna be the king? How can I trust that you will never revolt?"
At that moment,infront of all court officials,Prince Cheng takes the oath " Today in front of everyone I take an oath that I will never ever fight for the throne and am disposing myself as a crown prince.I will be leaving palace to NingXia for pursuing my literature interest.>>

"What the hell?How can she ask the Prince to leave the throne? such nonsense...."
*growling noises*
" I guess I am hungry....afterall I haven't eaten anything atall from the morning"
[Zhou Su keeps the biography script aside and goes to cook something to eat. But when she opens the fridge,she finds only an egg and some vegetables which didn't seem so fresh kept in the fridge]
"Heh....No matter how much that Prince Cheng might had suffered,
His sufferings would be still lesser than me. I am sure of it more than my whole existence"

[Zhou Su cooked the food with whatever she had with her at home at the moment.]
"Why does it look a bit weird?It has not been rotten right?No way~ it can't be rotten."

[Zhou Su ate the food and as she completed the food ,she rushed back to read the biography which she had left before.]

"Su Man ....whose this?"
<<<3000 years back, In the state of Chang'an , Su Man was the only Queen , responsible for the state Chang'an and was enormously powerful. Even most male general feared her. In the war between Tongniu, Chang'an had a upper hand due to efficient strategical plan and thus Tongniu had to accept its defeat. To stop the war Queen Su Man proposed the marriage between her Second Daughter Su Nian Qing and The "Prince" Cheng Ming >>>


" Ouch! What's the stomach pain suddenly about?"
" I think I should take some meds---" *A sudden loud noise*
*Sound of her house bell*
"Zhou Su don't get unconscious listen to me---"
"Zhou Su!!!"
<<Who's this....Is this Tang--->>
[Tang Ren was carrying her in his arms and was taking her to a hospital by his car in rush when suddenly a huge truck came out of nowhere driving in high speed as the driver was drunk]
*A loud crash sound of the car*
[Zhou Su was still conscious but her vision was getting blurry as she saw Tang Ren bleeding and unconscious as the car has turned upside down.]
"Tang Ren.....You..." *gets unconscious*

-To be continued....

Unlucky Princess has no choice but to marry Prince Cheng. [Under Work Rn]Where stories live. Discover now