Chap:4: Poor General Cheng

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"General Cheng is back!General Cheng is back!"

<<The news of Cheng Ming coming back had spread over the imperial palace like the spreading fire in a forest. His name quite suited him. Cheng of succession and Ming meaning dazzling. He was fair and was alluring as the pearl,wearing a red robe in which he looked irresistibly charming. He wore a military badge on his robe which was the mythical qilin , signifying his courage in the military wars. Everyone was showering him with the rose petals while he moved forward on his white horse. >>

Meanwhile Back inside the imperial palace>>>
"What?First Brother is back?!
I am gonna meet him"

"Your Majesty this is not how emperors are supposed to behave.You can't just barge out to meet General Cheng"* Interrupted Eunch who was standing beside Young Emperor.
Listening to him, Young Emperor stopped mid -way and tried to control his excitement to meet General Cheng.

*[Since he had given up on his prince title , he was demoted to general]

Outside the Palace>>
"General Cheng this is the imperial edict of His Majesty.He wishes to see you after you get some rest." Marquis Lu said.
Cheng Ming jumps from his horse and kowtows as he accepts the imperial edict and leaves to meet the Young Emperor.

In the palace
"This servant wishes His Majesty a long prosperous life and fortune"
"Spare the formalities"

Cheng Ming gets up and sits with a stiff body on the floor.

"How many times have I told you to call me by my name First Brother! I missed you so much!"

The Emperor exclaims in joy, grabbing Cheng Ming's arm not keeping his etiquettes in consideration. But before the young emperor could hug him, Cheng Ming moves away and stands up.

"This servant doesn't deserves to call His Majesty by his name."

"Who is servant?We are brothers!Brother I have not spent time with you for so long and now finally we get to meet."

"Emperor there are still people here...You should follow the ettiqutes."

"Son...Listen to your elder brother. You are Emperor now not just a kid. Don't play around."

"Empress Dowager greetings!"

"Cheng Ming you are here?How have you been these days? Is everything okay around the West frontier?"

"Yeah everything is fine.....can I know the reason you have summoned me here?"

"Yeah sit let me tell you what's the matter.."

Empress Dowager asks him to sit beside her but Cheng Ming still refuses to sit and stands still.

"I guess you already know about the Hunt Festival held in Chang'an?"

"Yes I already got it."

"You know about Second Princess right? I have heard she is a real beauty. Don't mess up your marriage okay?This is a really good opportunity."

"Yes I will take care of it.Don't worry about it Empress Dowager?"

"When are you leaving for Chang'an?When will I able to meet you again?" interrupts Young Emperor.

"It would be better if we don't meet often. I am afraid a lowly general can't bear the consequences of His Majesty missing me..."

General Cheng greets Emperor as he takes his leave.

"Only if we could be a normal family like others...." mutters Emperor *Sighs*

"What normal family? Can't you see he just ignored you?He doesn't even sees you as a brother!"

"Master what are you gonna do with Second Princess of Chang'an?Are you really gonna marry her?" asks Lou Yu, the left
Lieutenant of the General.

" Why do you always need to suffer because of their caused troubles? I heard Empress Dowager didn't even try to refute when they asked for the betrothal as the way of stopping the war."

"Shut your mouth if you don't wanna die. Complaining about royals is a severe crime" says the Right Lieutenant.

"People like us have no freedom to choose what we want. Everything is already decided for us by others. And there is no way we can refute it. Make preparations for going to Chang'an. We need to depart tomorrow by 4 am."

"Yes Master" says the two lieutenants as they take their leave.

"Hey! Don't you think that if master hadn't given up his Crown Prince title, he would have been the one ruling over Tongniu."

"Do you really not cherish your life? Haven't I told you several times that gossiping about royals is a crime?"

"Aiyaa! Aren't you the only one hearing me right now?I trust you!You won't want me to die isn't it?" Says the left Lieutenant with a grin on his face.

"Geez...I don't care even if you get exiled! WHO IS YOUR BEST FRIEND?!"

"But why did General Cheng give up his title? This matter was too confidential and even Master never speaks of it."
" How can he speak things like this which only brings pain to him?"
" Back in those days, when the Late Majesty was alive, he was passionately in love with Empress Nan Li who was the mother of General Cheng. But few years later after giving birth to General Cheng,she died of an incurable illness. Late Majesty was devasted by her death and refused to marry anyone else as his wife."
" But he married Empress Dowager (back then Princess of a Tribe) isn't it?"

"Yes....When he went to hunt once , he got injured and met Empress Dowager. He fell in love with her at first sight but couldn't marry her because he thought it would be unfair to General Cheng. General Cheng who was still 15 years old back then, got to know about this and went to meet the Queen of the Tribe. The Queen of the Tribe was ready to give her daughter to Late Majesty but the condition on which she agreed was that General Cheng has to give up his title and leave the imperial palace. Fortunately he was too outstanding. That's why he couldn't be suppressed this quickly. His talent of writing made him famous and well known."

" Waahhh I never thought our General Cheng was that virtuous!"

"So he gave up his title of Prince and took an oath of never rebelling for the throne and leave the imperial palace."

"Poor General Cheng.....he had to suffer so much just because of others and now he even has to marry that Second Princess of Chang'an! I have heard that Princess is rowdy and bullies others!"

"Now as your curiosity has been appeased by me, stop gossiping anymore.If you get heard by any royal,I won't be able to save you!"

"My Buddy I knew you cared about me!"
"Stay away Aiyaa!"
Meanwhile at Chang'an/__
"Ahchoooooo!!" Sneezes Su Nian Qing(Zhou Su) "Who is thinking of me at this moment?!"
-To be continued.....(^^)v

Unlucky Princess has no choice but to marry Prince Cheng. [Under Work Rn]Where stories live. Discover now