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I'm sorry guys if I made you to wait for this epi. Actually it's because of my exams.
And sorry this epi is going to be short but the next epi will be usual and it will be updated soon.!
Thankyou for all who are reading my story! I really owe you😙❤
OK let's get into the story!😀
A tear escaped soobin's eyes as he saw his friend who died a week ago. He jumped and hugged yeonjun . Yeonjun wrapped his arms around his shoulders and consoled him by patting his back.
Zaiva's heart had a emotional attack by seeing such a emotional scenery infront of her eyes. There soobin pulled him from the hug and asked "But how is it happening when only zaiva touches?". "I too really don't know!" said yeonjun with a pouty face which made soobin to laugh."It's ok! How's life being a ghost" Soobin asked as he is mocking at yeonjun. "Yeah! You bit*h you started your teasings huh!" Yeonjun hit soobin with his muscular arms playfully. When the two friends talking and playing, Out of nowhere Morgan said "Yo! Guys it's already late shall we get going?". "Yeah! Let's go..!" Zaiva replied.

While me and Morgan walking through the streets there was a awkward silence between us so I decided to Break the silence by asking her "How's life going with soobin?". "Fine as always" She answered in one sentence. I thought of talking to Break the silence between us but I got no words to talk with her and with that we reached my home. When we entered, we were greeted by my smiling mom "Welcome sweethearts! How's the day?" While Morgan answered "Just like always a tiring day auntie" and sighed. "Morgan! I've told you so many times to call me as mom and not as auntie" my mom said faking an angry face. Me and Morgan laughed and Morgan replied "OK mom, I won't forget the system" She again laughed. My mom left the place while me and Morgan started to climb the stairs just to get into my room. While I was taking clothes from my closet to change my uniform, I heard Morgan asking me "How can you see ghosts? Is it this is your first time seeing ghosts or are you already seen one before yeonjun?" And I wondered why she was curious then suddenly past hits me and I told about that to her.

I woke up to see the doctors coming towards my direction and once they reached me they said that I've broken my ribs. At first when I heard that I scared as fuck but when the doctor said that it'll recover naturally as I'm young I felt releived. After the doctors left the place, I took a small nap and after some hours I woke up just to see a woman in a white gown standing in front of me . Seems like her age 26-28. I rubbed my eyes using my both hands just to get a clear view and I saw that the woman's figure is in gaseous state. I was scared by seeing her and I stepped backwards. My chest started to go up and down rapidly as I saw a ghost standing in front of me. Yes! That woman is a spectre. My lips stuttered as I said "H-He-Hey Wh- Who are you?". I was more scared when she took a seat beside me. I felt like I was going to die any second in fear. I was literally fainted when she held my hands but feeling her touch somewhat made me relaxed. She genuinely smiled at me and I don't know why, I felt like we've met before. Still with the sweet smile on her face, she caressed my hands and said "Don't be scared dear, Im sorry for leaving you early". Her gaseous figure started to appear as she held my hands and she continued as a teardrop rolled down her cheeks "I love you so much dear, I'm sorry for leaving you alone with a evil man! I know you'll be confused right now and I know you won't trust what I'm going to say now" She released my hands while teardrops kept on dripping from her eyes. She again continued "I'M YOUR MOM! ZAIVA" by saying that she disappeared, leaving me dumbfounded.

I said Morgan "I thought of forgetting about that incident but it kept on playing on my mind mind. Soon after, I forgot about that when I came to school and started to investigate about yeonjun." Morgan listened to me seriously while placing her chin on her hands when her elbow is in the bed for support. Suddenly my mom Shouted "Zaiva! Come down" so I  stopped the conversation while shouting at her "YES! MOM". As soon as I got down by leaving Morgan in my room , I saw my mom packing the things that are in the hallway. She asked me to help her to pack the things that are in the attic. I wondered why she is packing all the things like we are moving to some other house. Curiosity made me to question her "Mom! Why are we packing?". She answered "Oh! I forgot to tell you about that zaiva! Actually we are moving to a house that is nearby your father's company and that's why we are packing. Remember we are moving in a week. That place is not far from here just 3km away. so now, will you help me to pack the things that are in the attic". "Of course mom" I replied her with a smile which she returned me back. I called Morgan for help. While me and Morgan packing the things that are in the attic, I saw a portrait of a lady and a little  girl with my father. Soon I realized that little girl is me but the woman is not my mother but again realisation hitted me that it was the woman I saw in my nightmare and the little girl in my nightmare is me and the man is my father and soon again I came to realise that she is the woman who appeared in front of me as a spectre that day when I'm in hospital. I felt like I'm going to faint. So many questions started to run on my mind so i grabbed Morgan's wrist and sprinted to my room while my mom is packing the things that are in the kitchen. "Why in a sudden you took me here?" Morgan questioned me with a confused look on her face. I started to spill everything that I just found out. I questioned her with the questions that are running in my head "If the woman who appeared that day is my real mom then who is this woman being as my mom these days? What happened to my real mom? How she died? What's the purpose of this woman for being my mom? Why my real mom said that she left me alone with with a evil man? Is he that much cruel to my real mom? According to my nightmare it's seems like that because he threw us out of the house. Is that a nightmare or it is a real thing that happened in my past like I forgot that?" I held my hair in frustration. Hearing to my questions, Morgan answered me with a simple answer "Just ask yeonjun to help you as he is a spectre too!" I thought of that for a second and agreed with her. I tried to call him by shouting his name "YEONJUN!! YEONJUN! ARE YOU HERE? CAN YOU HEAR ME?!!" But no response. Suddenly I remembered one incident that happened in past and without knowing a smile appeared on my face.

While that day is cleaning duty for zaiva she stayed in the classroom. After everyone left she started to clean the floor using a mop. While she was cleaning she felt someone's presence in front of her and she know that it was yeonjun so she didn't lifted her head up to see him but she saw him pouring his juice on the floor just to make her annoyed. She Shouted at him while started to walk away from her "Yo! CHOI - FVCKING - YEONJUN". He turned and gave mischievous smile and continued to walk away while she again shouted "Yo! Yeonjun you made this mess now help me to clean it" He again turned but now fully to her direction and said "If you want help means then say 'sweetheart help to clean this' like that say then I'll help you." Showing her gritted teeth in front of him she smiled like an idiot in the back. She smiled at him but it's not fake, that is a real one and she asked "Sweetheart can you help me to clean this?". He returned that smile and said "Of course baby! Anything for you!" By saying that he started to help her which made zaiva to fall in love with him more.

Thinking of that incident I really missed him so much and I called him through my soul. I mean I called him but not by shouting but by my thoughts.
I closed my eyes and thought 'Yeonjun sweetheart, can you hear me baby? I wanna talk to you sweet heart' I opened my eyes just to see a smiling yeonjun standing in front of me and saying "Anything for you! BABY!" remembering me my past.

If the woman who appeared in zaiva's nightmare is her real mom then who is that woman that zaiva thinking that's her mom? Will yeonjun help her to find that?


                                  I thought this epi will be short but this is the episode which is longer than the other episodes lol! And sorry for my late update. I promise you guys that from now on I'll update ASAP 💖 Thanks for the support btw💖
I really owe you 💖 Bye for now guys💖

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