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He lifted my feet off the ground and spin me around he made me crazier!!. I looked in his eyes which is shining like the stars in the sky with love. After some minutes he dropped me down and said "Well, zaivie thanks for accepting me but I guess it'll be a problem for you". I answered him confidently "I don't care about it as long as you were with me Junnie!!!". With a worried face by looking down to the ground and with a low voice like a whisper he said "But it's impossible to be a soulmate for a spectre like me, right??". By lifting his chin up I said "Junnie!! Can't you hear what I said, I don't care about it as long as you were with me!!". His face lit up and he said "Thanks zaivie!! I promise you that I'll be here for you for an eternity and always love you. As long as you love me, I'll be your guardian angel. I love you and it's time for me to go so, see ya later in school!!" He finished as he walked while his head only turned towards me with a smiling face and got disappeared.
After a while I was in my room thinking of the things that happened earlier and I thought 'is it right to be a girlfriend of a spectre?' And I shrugged it off by taking my phone and started to watch the runaway performance by yeonjun and his friends on our school's fest. While watching the performance a notification popped out of nowhere from my instagram.

Jo_nida06 sent you a follow request.

By seeing the username, my eyes widened and a gasp left my mouth "Babycakes!!"

I quickly clicked the notification to check whether it's my babycakes or someone else. After accepting the follow request, I found that it is none other than my babycakes. I felt very happy as I finally found my babycakes in a social media after searching for her for a long time. I quickly messaged her.


Hi!! Babycakes!! How are you?? After years of searching, I found you here!!😢😢 Where have you been and where are you now??😢😢

Hi!! Bubbles!!!
I'm fine😁
What about you??
Actually I moved to Australia that day when I last bid a goodbye to you
But I'm officially back here in Seoul now.😎😎

Oh my babycakes!! Shall we meet this weekend?? Cuz I wanna tell you so many things that happened earlier!!

Of course love💖
Lets meet, it's been 6 years
Since we last met.
I wanna see how matured your face was now😂

                                              Mee too lol!😂

                                  OK gn:)babycakes😪

Gn:) bubbles😪

I was really happy that I'm going to meet my bubbles after a long time. I was wishing for this since I left south Korea. As I placed my phone on the lamp desk beside me, some of my happiest and cute memories with my zaiva started to run on my mind. Especially the day we met.

The little zaiva came home by holding a small hand of a little girl and with a wide smile on her face said her mom "Mom! Meet my babycakes!!! I mean umm- her name is jonida". "Hello!!! Babycakes!!". Zaiva mother greeted jonida with a beautiful smile on her face. "No!! Mommy I have the rights to call her babycakes, I only call her babycakes" said little zaiva making a cute pout. "Ahh! Ok my annoying princess" said zaiva's mom by chuckling, earning a cute angry pout from little zaiva. While seeing zaiva and her mom, jonida started to laugh. "Oh my babycakes, are you also teasing me now!" Said zaiva with a sad pout. Jonida with a beautiful killer smile on her face said "ahhh! No my bubbles, I wonder how you and your mom is so close, just like a best friends". "Oh I see babycakes by the way mommy, you know how I met babycakes. Actually it's when I was playing in the park yesterday, I saw a man asking my babycakes to come with him by giving a chocolate and he forced her to have that chocolate when she refused to have it, but will I let him to deceive a innocent girl, so I sneaked to their spot and kicked him in his dick before grabbing babycakes wrist to runaway." Said the little zaiva with a proud smile on her face. Zaiva's mom with a proud smile replied "That's my strong princess and jonida we have to be careful with strangers because some of them will try to kidnap us by giving a chocolate and if anyone does that means just kick their dick like your bubbles did yesterday to save you. Just ask your bubbles she knows many fighting moves. She'll teach you". "Of course mom!!" Said jonida again with her killer smile.

I remembered how she cares for me when I'm sick and joined my school just for me. Played with me when her friends said that they'll won't add me in their group. It's all vanished when she had that accident and forgotten about me. I literally cried for days and manged to become her best friend again and my heart started to race when she first called me babycakes, after she forgot about me after that accident and how her dad threatened our family to go abroad as he that I know that



Hi guys! I hope you liked this chapter and I think it's pretty interesting btw my babycakes I added your character to my story as you wished. I'm happy that I full filled one of your wish!! I love you my babycakes💖

My Spectre's Love  [ A Choi Yeonjun Fanfic ]Where stories live. Discover now