Chapter ten: The Truth Untold (Indy escapes)

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    Y'know when someone says they're signing out? Well that's not the same with K-12, you have to escape the school altogether, and that is exactly what I'm planing to do! Listening to BTS, I run to the front entrance, and I crashed through the door. I wore my BTS inspired, over-head headphones. I guess you can say, I used all the power I could and just used my 다시 run, run, run, power, and ran from the school! 😂🤣

 I guess you can say, I used all the power I could and just used my 다시 run, run, run, power, and ran from the school! 😂🤣

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    Surprisingly, the headphones didn't break, during the impact. My friends followed me, and we ran off, and we went to my house, where Mother was waiting, she had gotten fired, a month ago.
    "Mom!" I called, "that school is a war zone, and the principal is like the Monokuma from my favorite anime game, Danganronpa!"
    "Well I'm glad you girls escaped, because I was planning on unenrolling you girls, and giving you girls lessons here." Mother said, "like homeschooling." I nodded.
    "Thanks mom!" I called, while running to my room.

(I was getting tired of using K-12 song titles as chapter titles, anyway now I'm going with BTS song titles! Enjoy my dear readers, and fellow ARMYs💜💜💜💜💜 I am eighteen years old, so........ bye for now!)

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