Chapter fifteen: Saving the day

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I soon realized that it was prom night at K-12 Sleepaway School, the night we'd save the entire student body. I had hacked into the P.A system, and told the students to evacuate the school.
"Evacuate the school, everyone! Go! Run!" I called, after I hacked into the school's P.A system. There was a mess of students running out of the school, Angelita, Magnolia, and Fleur, had ran out together, Cry Baby, Ben, and I had ran out onto one balcony. Ben was hyperventilating, he had a fear of death, Cry Baby, and I didn't.
"What are we going to do now?" I asked panicked, we had trapped Leo in a closet, but that wouldn't last long, because he would find the hidden key!
"Um, how about a bubble, or something?" Ben asked, Cry looked skeptical.
"And how will that work?" She asked.
"We can all make 'saliva bubbles' and blow them around the school, I don't know what would come after!" Ben said.
"After..." I said, "we'll have to jump." Ben looked at me, but said nothing. We blew the saliva bubble, and it made it's way around the school, now all that was left to do.....was jump.
"Ben your fear of death is irrational right now!" Cry Baby, and I said together, "let's just jump!" We all jumped, and landed on the ground, outside of the bubble, the school was rising into the air, Kelly, and Leo, were still in the school, we didn't care, the bubble turned into a pink cloud, and then disappeared. Everyone was safe! I still can't believe it worked! Soon after we saved the student body, I ran to an empty arena, where my brother was waiting for me.
"Where were you?" Jimin asked me.
"Totally not saving the student body, of K-12 Sleepaway School." I answered, using my favorite mode of communication, Sarcasm.
"You did!" Jungkook said, "how was it?"
"Exciting, and scary, at the same time." I told Jungkook.
"That's my Kitten." Yoongi told me, I smiled.
"I had to do something, or Leo the principal's son/new principal was going to keep everyone there! For money!" I told BTS, did I seem panicked while I spoke to them? I sure felt panicked.

I was wearing a pale blue fancy goth lolita dress, and a cute pair of heels.

    I was wearing a pale blue fancy goth lolita dress, and a cute pair of heels

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    Yoongi put an arm around me, and told Jimin that I was trying to save the Prom, and save the students of K-12 Sleepaway School

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Yoongi put an arm around me, and told Jimin that I was trying to save the Prom, and save the students of K-12 Sleepaway School. I had to nod, and agree with him, because everything he was saying, was true! Jimin shrugged, and we continued with the tour. I was bored, so I did a bit of my own choreography, because why not? And no-one was around, so.... I could do whatever.

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