V. Unexpected Fairy Godmothers

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My bedroom's cold air clings to my exposed skin and nestles its way into my bones.

Behind a paper-changing screen in nothing besides a pair of underwear, I shift through the outfits and dresses Hades has provided for me. Each one is gorgeous, something I would have never have dreamed of wearing as a mermaid before. However, I can feel the fabric of the garments, something is lacking; these outfits don't scream me.

Making my decision I choose my outfit. I'm about to dress and cover my exposed self when a quick knock comes at my door. I perk behind the thing changing screen as the door opens and there stands The lord of the underworld.

"(Y/N), I was thinking about your outfit and-" Hades pauses and his eyes go wide seeing the silhouette of my exposed form. His eyes linger on my shadow.

"(Y/N), I was thinking about your outfit and-"
Hades pauses and his eyes go wide seeing the silute of my exposed form. His eyes linger on my shadow.

(Basically what Hades sees)

"Hades?" I shout, snapping him out of his state

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"Hades?" I shout, snapping him out of his state. His face changes from blue to a slight dusting of pink. He quickly averts his golden eyes.

"I-I'm sorry." He stutters. Wait. Stutters? 'Is the God of death flustered by me? I wonder. Seeing an opportunity to get in Hades' head, my lips form a mischievous smile.

"Lord Hades," I say, the god slightly peaks through his fingers at me. "In all due respect, I would think an all-powerful God like yourself would know to not enter a lady's chamber unless she answers."

Hades continues to stutter "I-well-" He won't look me in the eye.

I quickly pull my head behind the changing screen as my stomach turns in a wonderfully awful way.

"Unless you wanted to see me that badly you forgot."

The blue God shifts uncomfortably and continues to stutter and ramble, "It's-It's not that I didn't you know, but-"

I giggle. It's a good thing Hades can't see my face because I'm sure my face is a blushing mess. Part of me knows I might be taking this too far, but messing with Hades is just so fun. It just feels right. My heart races and I bite my bottom lip thinking about Hades' reaction to me.

Hades grumbles. "Here," he says, continuing to cover his eyes. "You'll want something, we'll not like my style or not your style per se, unfortunately." The flustered god snaps his fingers and beside me, hanging with the rest of the dresses appears a new more traditional Greek goddess dress. The dress is nice but it's not my fashion type.

Hades clears his throat, "Just a bit of advice, if you want to please all those high and mighties, you wanna look and act like them." Hades sighs. "Trust me I know how selective they can be to those that don't meet their petty standard. Also, I don't want you to feel like an outcast. You only deserve to be treated fairly as anyone else."

Revolution of Sonder {Hades x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now