XV. Goddess of the Hunt

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A few days late of publishing, but there was originally going to be an extra scene in this chapter that will be moved to chapter 16. Enjoy!
Previously on Revolution of Sonder~
Perhaps this is my chance to show that I have what it takes to be a part of the revolution.

Once I get inside the hut, I will find Hercules, yell at him for not giving me a password and find my place in the revolution. I will make a difference to protect the new worlds and people I am starting to love.

Now, I fight.
(The giant's body. Use this reference and descriptions.)


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The three-headed giant charges at me, six fists flying. I yell, leaping to the side, tumbling onto the ground, and almost colliding with a punch in the face. As I rise, the monster turns and grunts. I spin on my heel, sprinting toward the behemoth as he leaps toward me. A few of my gills open on my neck. As we approach each other, I slip beneath the giant's arm in mid-punch to lift my arm and attack, my claws running over his forearm.

All three of the giant's heads howl before his body spins around and knocks me aside with his club. I go flying into the air before rolling onto the muddy dirt. My back burns, and I taste blood. The heavy rain washes the mud off my clothing as I narrow my eyes at the giant, who is twice my height.

The weaknesses and anguish in my new legs subside as the rain soaks into my clothes. Since I have gotten my legs, I can stand on them without a lack of balance, pain, or fear. I look at the giant in his six eyes, refusing to back down.

I'm not going to die before I even enter the revolution.

I run towards the tri-headed man, imagining myself fighting in the river Styx, where I am given the upper hand. I jump into the air and latch my teeth onto the giant's shoulder. His flesh tastes foul as I sink my teeth into his skin.

"Crazy b-itch! Get off of me!" The giant hollers, followed by his two other heads,
"And me"
"And me"

The giant swings around his body, trying to get me to release my bite on his shoulder. I come flinging off his shoulder, landing on my knees.

I holler, awakening from my once-empowered mindset. Rain patters on my damp hair that clings to my skin. I gaze up at the giant as he saunters toward me, the ground shakes with each of his steps. Water cascades down his honey skin, which is flecked with bruises and scars. Each of his lips curls into a snarl.

My heart races, and the black from my eyes starts to drain. I spit on the ground and wipe the drool, sweat, blood, and rain off my lips as I glare at the giant.

"Accept that I am here to help," I shout. I clutch my knees as the bone thumps against them; the bone isn't broken or fractured, but there will undoubtedly be bruised knees later.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2023 ⏰

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