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< August >
< Wednesday 10, 2022 >

{ Holland }

Today was my 12 week appointment and Ashton gets to come with. It's only my second appointment so I was quite excited too to see our baby again. And if everything is okay at this appointment, we're going to announce the pregnancy.

I was getting ready while Ashton was working on something for Instagram and the candle company he's been working on.

While he finished up, I headed into the bathroom. As I passed by the mirror, I stopped. I was wearing shorts and a bra so my stomach was visible, allowing me to notice the small bump. I gasped and let my hands roam to it,

"ASH!" I called, smiling from ear to ear. I could hear Ashton sprinting up the stairs, most likely thinking something is wrong,

"What? Honey, what's wrong?" he barged in, fully panicked,

"Babe, look" I teared up, turning to where he could see the bump,

"Oh my god" he laughed with a smile, "A little bump"

He placed his hands on my stomach and looked at me,

"Our little baby is in there" he smiled, "Wow"

"And we can see them today" I told him, my hand resting on his cheek. His whole face lit up,

"I'm done with what I'm doing so I'll get ready" he nodded quick and headed into our closet. I laughed and grabbed my shirt off the counter and pulled it over my head.

As I brushed my teeth, Ashton walked back in bopping his head with a huge smile,

"I do get to go in with you right?" He asked,

"Yeah. I've already checked" I assured. He nodded and brushed his teeth.

Once we were both done, we grabbed a few things and headed out the door.


We got to the doctor, checked in, and began waiting in the waiting room. Ashton's hand was in mine the whole time and it was sweaty,

"Babe" I chuckled, "Your hand"

"I'm nervous" he mumbled, "I don't know why"

His smile was now not there but the jitters were,

"Ash, everything is okay" I assured,

"I know. I'm just scared something's wrong. We've wanted this for so long and I'm scared something will take it away"

I sighed and rubbed his back,

"I don't think anything is wrong. But if for some reason there is, we got this. We're together. We can handle it" I promised. Ashton nodded and let his head rest on my shoulder. I kissed his head then took his hand in mine again.

We didn't wait much longer before we were taken back.

I sat up on the table and Ashton stood next to me. We talked for a bit then I lifted my shirt for the doctor to put the gel on and do an ultrasound.

Before turning the screen on for us to see, she turned on sound and we heard our baby's heartbeat,

"Very strong" she told us, making us smile, "Now let's see them"

She turned the screen on and Ashton started crying as our baby appeared,

"Baby is small, but that's perfectly fine. They're very healthy" she told us. I smiled and squeezed Ashton's hand, causing his eyes to move to me,

Honey // A.I (completed)Where stories live. Discover now