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< December >
< Saturday 10, 2022 >

{ Ashton }

Tonight is our Sydney show and the boys and I cannot wait. We were even more excited that we finally get to spend time with our families and that they were all coming to the show. Plus, my mum's excited to see Holland and the baby bump.

I woke up when I felt Holland sit up and move. I opened my eyes to check on her and she had her face in her hands.

"You okay honey?" I asked. She lifted her head and turned to face me,

"My back hurts so bad" she whispered,

"Do you need a doctor or anything?" I questioned, moving to sit up,

"No. He's just sitting right in my back and it hurts" she whined. I nodded,

"Want to go downstairs and maybe gets some water and food? Maybe he will wake up some and move"

Holland nodded and we moved to get out of bed where she immediately shivered. I chuckled and grabbed a hoodie and put it on her.

We made our way downstairs where my mum was already up,

"Good morning you two" she grinned as we walked in, "You okay Holland?"

"My back is killing me" she groaned and leaned into my body.

"Let me tell you, with Ashton he was always lying in my back. For me, a little bit of coffee and a heating pad did wonders" my mum told her. She nodded,

"Go on and sit. I'll find a heating pad and get you some coffee and food" I told her. She smiled and pecked my lips before going into the living room where Lauren was,

"Keep an eye on her. When it starts getting even closer, she might have false labor pains and other stuff. She could even go into early labor" Mum warned me,

"Don't worry. I will" I assured her grabbing Holland some coffee and a bowl of fruit. My mum grabbed a heating pad and got it warm then gave it to me.

I headed into the living room and handed my wife her coffee and fruit, then helped get the heating pad behind her. I went and grabbed myself some coffee then took a seat next to her,

"What time do you have to be at your show?" Holland asked, laying her head against my shoulder,

"I'm getting picked up at noon. You can come with me or you can come with my family" I smiled, letting my hand rub over her stomach and feeling Jaxtyn kick at my hand,

"I think I'll come with your family" she whispered. I nodded,

"Can I feel him kicking?" Harry spoke up, watching us. Holland nodded and moved over so he could sit next to her. Harry hesitantly put his hand on her stomach then smiled,

"That's so weird" he laughed, "Does it feel odd?"

"It's a bit odd" Holland smiled, "But it's a good thing he's active. Except, I wish he'd chill out at night"

"That won't happen even after he's born" my mum laughed walking into the room,

"I'll take night duty" I smiled,

"I mean you can, but I've got the boobs he needs to eat so" Holland joked,

"Well I mean-" I stuttered, not knowing what to say,

"Don't worry baby" she laughed and let her hand squeeze my leg, "We can figure it out"


{ Holland }

We got to the venue and headed backstage to the room we knew the boys were in. I walked in first, finding them all dancing horribly around the room while Nickleback blasted over a speaker,

"This is why he's a drummer" Harry laughed as they all turned and looked at us. Ashton smiled sweetly and walked toward me,

"How are you feeling honey?" he asked, pecking my lips,

"Better. He's been moving around so he's not staying in one spot" I smiled, taking my hand and brushing back some of his hair. He nodded and kissed me again before taking my hand and pulling me to sit with him.

We weren't back there long because the guys had to get on stage. And as always, they killed it. Jaxtyn was moving all around during the show too, liking the sound of his dad and uncles already.

No sooner than Ashton got off stage, he had me in his arms and was hugging me tightly,

"Jaxtyn loved it too" I told him, watching his smile grow bigger and his hands go to my stomach,

"I want him to be here now" he groaned,

"10 weeks baby" I laughed, "But it'll fly by"

"I hope"

Honey // A.I (completed)Where stories live. Discover now