Scene Two-Emsemble Roles

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Q: Dealing with an ensemble role. Tips?
Elle Woods: I've dealt with this situation multiple times before and I'm actually learning a lot about it now that I've been able to compare it first hand to a vehicle role. The main thing is to be happy about it. Keep in mind there are pros and cons to being in the ensemble. Usually mostly pros. Sure you don't get as much attention or material as the main characters and you usually don't get individual attention from the director. But, and I speak from personal experience when I say this -when your in the ensemble the time you have backstage with your friends and cast mates is MUCH longer than if you had a principle role and it allows you to connect more with your cast mates. Also there is far less pressure and stress being in the ensemble. This can be viewed as a good or a bad thing, but as someone who is currently playing a protagonist/ vehicle role which requires the memorization of roughly 95% of material in the entire show, I view this as a good thing. When you're in the ensemble you it's have to memorize lyrics melodies/harmonies and blocking/choreography. As a main role you have to memorize all that PLUS dialogue, and a lot of random other stuff like tricks for quick changes and getting where you need to be for entrances etc.. Basically if you're in the ensemble, just enjoy it. Make the most of the experience. Focus on the positives, and ignore the negatives. Just be happy.

-Elle Woods
(AceKat24601 )

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