Scene 15-Memorising Lines

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Q: Can you give me some tips to memorize my lines? Thx.

Meg Girry: When I memorize my lines there's a certain pattern I do first. First I keep my script with me EVERYWHERE! I suggest you do this too. At school when your teacher says get out a book, read your script, at lunch, in the car, whenever you get the chance. Another thing I do is look at my lines every night before bed. Every night I like d look at the line before mine then flip my script over say my line and so on. But everyone has a different thought process so we can't all memorize the same way. I suggest running lines with your mom, dad, brother,sister, or friend at least once everyday. When you are practicing lines with someone tell them to stop you every time you mess up. Another thing to do is guess my like according to the situation. When I first get my script I will read through it once then get my mother to read through it with me and guess what I am supposed to say. If I/you get it wrong have the person give subtle hints about your like until you get it right. But like I said this does not work for everyone. I can give you a list of pointers though:

•If you mess up CORRECT YOUR SELF!!! You don't want to memorize your lines wrong.

•Keep your script with you everywhere!!! Bus stop, school, play ground, you name it.

•Don't be to hard on yourself.

•DO NOT procrastinate! It will only make it harder for you.

•set goals! Tonight I am going to memorize this section and tomorrow I'm going to memorize that part.

•some times the way you say your line will help you remember it

•Have fun with it! You might want to tie in your experiences you think of with your line or  think about someone else's experiences and put them into this character.

Have a lovely day/night
~ Meg

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