Scene 16- KISSING

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Q: I'm in a show right now and I have to kiss someone.......this will be my first kiss and it's a school show, WHAT DO I DO????

Elle Woods: Depends on your relationship with the person you are kissing. If you're good friends just joke and laugh about it and everything will be fine. If you don't really know them, I suggest getting to know them. Cuz ya know. Kissing. Just take it lightly, have fun with it, and tell yourself it's not a big deal.
Hope this helps :)
~Elle Woods AceKat24601

Q: I have to stage kiss but he's older than me. How do I break the ice?

G(a)Linda: Well it seems like you're in a bit of a sticky situation. In all honesty, you're right to make a friendship/relationship with him. I'm sure he's just as nervous as you are. Personally, I've never had a stage kiss before. However, I know they don't always make you physically kiss said person. If this is the case, you have nothing to worry about. Either way, try to make him and yourself as comfortable as possible. Try introducing yourself first, then advance into finding out things he likes and stuff. This is how I usually make friends with my fellow castmates. Maybe compliment something quirky about him-- it could be something on his bag, a bracelet, or a t-shirt he wears. You may bond over it! Good luck. Pucker up!!

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