Scene 5- Waiting for the Cast List

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Katherine Plumber vs Meg Girry

Q: I am sooooooo nervous for the cast list. Anyone have any tips for me to calm down or something.

Katherine Plumber A: Just remember if you don't get the part there are always other parts you can get. Maybe you won't get the part you wanted, but you still could make it in the ensemble -or maybe even get another lead role-and that's okay. The good thing from this is, you learn from watching others and know what it takes to get a lead role. So don't stress out if you don't get the part you wanted. I remember being in my middle school ensemble for the longest time, every single show we had, until I got something close to a lead. Keep your head up.
- Katherine Pumber


Meg Girry A: Well I personally freak out a lot about the cast list but TAKE A DEEP BREATH! Okay so what I do is distract myself with a good book or friends. I am quite honestly bad at channeling my nerves but all you need to do is calm down. Go take a walk, stretch, ride your bike, or even play with pets. I know it is challenging to wait for the cast list and sometimes you want to rip out your hair, but keep positive thoughts in your head! I really hoped I helped and whenever you get butterflies just take a deep breath. Breathing is good.
Have a lovely day or night.

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