Getting Heated

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He glared at April, eyes full of anger and regret for liking her. She was so dishonest. It made him furious. She played he and Donatello like a Trombone. He clenched his fists, feeling his heart race. He was truly furious at her, but he kept his cool. He sat down in front of her with an unusually serious expression on his face. She looked up curiously. "Oh, hey Casey. What are you up to—?" "what the heck is wrong with you, Red?" He asked with sadness in his voice. She raised an eye brow, crossing her arms sassily. "What are you talking about, Casey?" He placed his hand onto the table angrily. "You know exactly what I'm talking about." She rolled her eyes in response. "As a matter of fact, I don't. What the heck, Casey. What's going on?" He crossed his arms in an angry way. "You played me and Donnie like a Trombone, you bone-head! That's what. That's so not heavy metal." He snarled, furrowing his eye brows. Her eyes widened with shock. "What?!" She shouted in disbelief. "I would never! I love you both!" He hit his fist against the table. "Oh really? Then explain why you emotionally manipulate us all the time. I'm not blind, Red. I know that all you want is our attention. I'm done. Done with your bullshit." April got up and pushed her chair in aggressively. "Emotionally manipulate? Have you lost your mind?! I don't manipulate people you jerk!" She screamed, running out of the kitchen. He chased after her. "Yes you do! You kiss Donnie yet you don't return his feelings. You lead him on, and that's not okay! Casey Jones is done with your bullshit." He said, putting a hand in front of her to indicate her to talk to his hand. "You know what? Fine! I'm never talking to you again!" She replied, storming out of the lair. He sighed feeling like a weight was lifted off of his shoulders. He stood there and reflected on their memories together. She really wasn't worth it to be honest. His heart ached at this moment, and he needed a distraction. He glanced over at Donnie's lab and thought about going inside. "It can't hurt to just say hi..." he whispered under his breath, slowly approaching the lab and entering it. He saw Donnie laying his head down while watching animal videos on his laptop.

He stared at Donnie, mesmerized by seeing him in such a calm state. He shook those feelings off and sat in a spare chair, scooting it next to him. Donnie noticed and paused the video, taking a quick look at Casey before looking away awkwardly at his laptop screen. "What.. what are you doing here, Casey?" He asked curiously. Casey sighed, looking at him with sad eyes. "Me and April are... done." He mumbled. Donnie looked up at him sympathetically. "I'm so sorry, Casey. I know how it feels. Just think though. Was she really worth it?" He said in a comfortingly quiet voice. A faint smile appeared on Casey's face after hearing that come out of his mouth. It felt like his broken heart had been bandaged up. "Thanks dude." Donnie put a thumb up. "No problemo."

Thank you for getting this far! I really appreciate it

(discontinued) Breakup Buddies - Jonatello fanfic (TMNT 2012)Where stories live. Discover now