On his way home

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It was the next day, and currently it was night. Casey's sister has been spamming his phone asking why he didn't come home. He sat there on the couch and wondered what he would do. He couldn't walk, Donnie couldn't be seen so he couldn't help him, and he had nothing to get around with. He was stranded. ... or so he thought. Donatello left his lab with crutches for Casey. They were supposed to be a surprise. "Hey, check this out Casey!" Casey looked up from his phone and smiled at him. He handed the crutches to Casey. "Crutches? This is perfect. My sister is very worried about me, so I gotta go. See ya later, Don." He excused himself, getting up and moving around with the crutches. Donnie rushed to him and gave him a small hug, wrapping his arms around his neck and resting his head on his shoulder. He quickly let go and waved goodbye. He returned to his lab.

At the surface

After many struggles, Casey was finally up on the surface. He looked around since he hasn't been out since yesterday, and began to travel back to his apartment.

A few minutes after he started "walking", he heard a sound that came from a dark alley way. He couldn't help but let his curiosity get the best of him. He approached where the sound was coming from, and it was a small sewer Rat. "Ahh!" He yelped, nearly falling backwards. The Rat scurried away and he was safe and sound.

He was safe until..... he felt something sharp poke him in the neck. He tried to see what it was, but he was too late. He felt his body getting weak and tired, and before he knew it, he was out. He had fallen onto his back, now completely unconscious. "The one known as Casey Jones is what they call "unconscious", Kraang."

In a very ominous and mysterious place

Casey's POV

My eyes fluttered open. My vision was so blurry, that I couldn't even see my own hands right. I was on the floor, and for some reason, my head hurt like hell. I pushed myself up with a struggle. I looked around. I was in a rectangular metal room with a huge iron door in front of me. I was then hit with realization. The Kraang caught me. I tried to stand up, but I felt a really sharp pain hit my leg. It felt like someone had stabbed me. "Ahhgh!" I screamed, collapsing to the floor as I gripped my right knee and breathed heavily. I just sat there wondering. Wondering what the hell I was supposed to do. I have a disability, I'm in a Kraang jail cell, and no one knows that I was abducted. This is the worst possible thing that could happen.

As soon as the pain went away, I sat there and silently panicked. I held my head in my hands thinking of some elaborate plan to get out of here. "I could fake some serious medical problem like a bad stomach ache and book it, but it would be difficult since I have a broken knee." I thought as I looked out of the window. I sighed, not knowing how to escape. "What am I supposed to do?" I mumbled. I felt hopeless. No one could save me. It's only a matter of time until I end up dead. I pushed myself up, hopping on my unharmed leg to sit on the nearby bench. I sat there and moped. I would get up and bang on the door, but I was too low on energy to even yell. I then lied down and stressed about everything. There was no hope.

In Donnie's Lab

Donnie's POV

I was up sitting down at my lab desk enjoying the unusual silence. I stared in the distance letting my thoughts have control. At first, they were simple thoughts like "I wonder what my brothers are doing." And "Tomorrow is gonna be a long day.", but then it escalated to sweet yet strange thoughts about who I thought was my friend. I began remembering last nights incident. Our lips almost touching, his face after he realized, it really tugged at my heartstrings. Frankly, he was actually adorable. Sometimes I wonder why I ever hated him in the first place. He's a really sweet guy.
As I continued to think about him more and more, my heart rate increased. Something about him was driving me crazy. I was blushing madly when I remembered the night that he took me out. He moment I saw him and his dark hair flowing with the wind under the twinkling stars was the night I... fell for him.

" Speaking of Casey... perhaps I should make sure he got home. "

I quickly grabbed my T-phone and scrolled down to the "C" section in my contact list. I tapped on "Casey", and messaged him. "Casey, are you home yet?" I patiently waited for him to respond. 10 minutes go by and I still haven't gotten a response. "Casey. Are you there?" I set my phone down and waited for a few more minutes before messaging him more frequently. "Casey." "Casey! I'm starting to get worried." "Casey Jones, please at least read my message." "I hope you're alright." "Fuck it. I'm looking for you." I slammed my phone down and jumped up, anxiously rushing to grab my Bo-staff. I sighed as I looked up with sad eyes, placing a hand where my heart is. I was worried sick. I quickly rushed out of the lair and to the surface. Once I reached the surface, I didn't stop there. I searched high and low. I looked around where Casey would usually go home, and I didn't notice anything out of the ordinary until I came across this dark alley way. It wasn't really that out of the ordinary, until I noticed his crutches were laying on the floor. It looked like he had fallen somehow. The thing is... he wasn't anywhere to be seen. I went to inspect the crutches. I didn't notice anything weird until I looked to the right of me and saw Kraang foot prints. I gasped fearfully. I jumped up and slapped my hand against my mouth. I slowly backed away, breathing shakily. "N...n-no. No! It can't be!" I mumbled. I was on the verge of tears. "Was he... taken by the Kraang?" I asked myself, tears forming in my eyes. I ran back to the lair to inform the others.

Back in the lair

No ones POV

Donatello barged into the lair a nervous wreck. He screamed helplessly. "Is anyone here!?" He hollered, running around the place anxiously. He wasn't sure what to do with himself. He was clouded with fear. Leonardo came rushing out of his room in a confused manner. He ran to Donnie and gripped his shoulders loosely. "What's wrong, D?" He asked with worry in his eyes. "Casey w-was taken by the Kraang!" He freaked out, waving his arms around. "What?! How do you know?" Leo asked with a voice full of confusion and worry. "I was searching for him, and his crutches were in the middle of an alley way, and then I discovered Kraang foot prints. I put two and two together." He replied shakily. He took a deep breath and tried his best to calm down. "Alright, calm down Donnie." Leonardo commented in a calming voice. "Let's go inform the others. We have no time to waste." He added, walking off to go tell Raphael. Donatello parted ways to Mikey's room. "M-Mikey! I need to tell you something." Michelangelo jumped, looking up at him with a scowl. "Hey, what's with the yelling—?" He was interrupted. "Casey was taken by the Kraang! We have no time to waste!" He replied with panic. Mikey jumped up and walked up to Donnie who was struggling to keep his composure. He hugged Donnie tightly. "Everything's gonna be okay bro. Calm down." He whispered. Donatello slowly but surely calmed down. Mikey quickly let go and grabbed his hand, leaving the room and meeting the others in the living room.

They were all sat at the couch discussing a plan to rescue Casey. It was called "operation: rescue Casey" they have finished the plan. Raphael and Mikey would distract the Kraang if they ever caught them trying to bail Casey out, and Donatello and Leonardo would bail Casey out and rush out of there.

"I hope this plan works."

Thanks for reading! I'm sorry if this chapter was random. I just wanted to make my story less basic.

(discontinued) Breakup Buddies - Jonatello fanfic (TMNT 2012)Where stories live. Discover now