A Night Out

978 29 14

It was late at night. Everyone was exhausted after patrol. Not from fighting, but from the hours of quiet streets. It was very boring. Donatello and Casey sat on the couch just chit-chatting, until a question came to Casey's mind. The dark haired boy stared at Donnie as he thought more about his question. "Hey, Donnie." Donnie's head popped up, turning his attention to Casey. "Yes?" "Have you had a night out?" The turtle boy tilted his head. "We're always out at night, Casey." Casey giggled cheekily. "No, Donnie. I mean, like— have you ever been out for fun and not for fighting?" He replied with a small smile, looking into his ruby red eyes. Donatello thought for a moment, putting a finger to his chin and stroking it. "Hmm..." he went quiet for a brief moment before coming to a conclusion. "I guess not. Why?" Casey shot up off of the couch. "Do you wanna go out with me?" Donnie's eyes widened, averting his eyes and blushing. Casey realized his mistake in how he worded his sentence, lightly blushing in embarrassment. "I-I meant like, go out to the surface with me!" He laughed anxiously. The purple masked turtle sighed. He got up and stood next to Casey. "Sure, why not? What could p—.." he paused mid sentence. "wait.. I'm not gonna jinx it. Every time I say that, something bad does happen." Casey giggled goofily at how superstitious Donnie was. He gently elbowed him. "You and your dumb superstitions." He huffed, walking off to the exit of the lair. Donatello followed alongside him. Soon, Casey came to a stop. He looked straight at Donnie with a smirk on his face. "Race ya!" With that being said, he immediately ran off. "Wait— no, Casey! You can't—!" Casey was already far ahead, so he didn't really have a choice. "Ugh!" He groaned, running up to Casey who was already nearing the ladder to the surface. Of course, Casey had won the race. Donatello accepted his defeat, climbing up the ladder that Casey was already half up on. Soon, they both reached the surface. "Hahaha! I win, you lose. Not very unusual." Casey teased, helping Donnie up. "not very unusual"?! What are you saying?!" Donnie shouted, stomping a foot on the ground angrily. Casey put his hands up defensively. "Calm down, gap-tooth! I was joking." Donnie sighed frustratedly. "Okay, whatever. Just know that I won't lose next time." He replied confidently, resting his hands on his hips with a smirk on his face as he began to walk away. "Uhm.. where are you going?" Casey asked confusedly. He turned back and chuckled nervously. "I was just walking away for a more dramatic effect." Casey nodded as a response. "I figured. You're usually very dramatic." He said jokingly. "I am not dramatic!" Donnie yelped dramatically, running towards him. "Are you even listening to yourself?" Casey questioned. He furrowed his eyebrows, frowning as well. "Yes! And I'm not—! Oh, forget it. Let's just go." Donnie sighed, letting go of this useless "argument." Casey shrugged. "Alright." He laughed softly.

So then, the two boys searched for something to do. They walked the empty sidewalks, talking about what to do.

"Oh, oh! What about ordering pizza and drinking soda on the rooftop of a building? Does that sound fun, Casey?" Donatello suggested with a big gap-toothed smile, squeezing his hands to contain his excitement. He has never had soda before, so he was stoked to try it. Casey smirked, copying Donatello's actions unintentionally. "Hell yeah! And after, we could go to the skate park!" He cheered. Donnie nodded as a response, grabbing his T-phone to order the pizza.

After their pizza has arrived, and once they had cold soda, they went off to some apartment building and climbed the fire escape. They stopped at the very top of the building, sitting on the roof. Their feet dangled off of the structure. This was definitely not a calming scene for people with a fear of heights, but the two boys were fine. It was rather relaxing to Donatello. He stared down at the quiet city, munching on his slice of pepperoni pizza. Soon, the air was filled with a comfortable silence. The wind blew through Casey's soft black hair, making the scene look more aesthetically pleasing. Donnie stared at the sky, and then slowly turned his attention to Casey. And that moment was the moment that Donatello started to feel different about Casey. He watched as Casey's hair moved with the wind, making him look more mesmerizing to him than before. He then moved his focus to his facial features. His beautiful dark eyes, his chubby cheeks, and his goofy little smile that was always planted on his face. He felt himself lose focus of all that was around him, turning all of his attention to Casey. He caught himself, looking away and blushing. "What was that?!" He thought. He internally panicked. He didn't know how to process his feelings. He silently freaked out, staring intensely at the moonlit night sky that was painted with twinkling stars. Once he calmed down, he looked back at Casey who immediately turned away. He had been staring at Donatello as well. He decided to break the silence. "U-Uhm, Casey. Wanna try that soda now?" He asked with a faint grin. Casey turned his head to face Donnie. "Sure." He grabbed a can of soda and opened it for him, handing him the fizzing drink. Donnie grabbed it and studied it. "Dr. Pepper..." he mumbled, reading the label. "Yep! My personal favorite." Casey replied, grabbing a can for himself and opening it effortlessly. Donnie carefully lifted it up. "Cheers!" Donnie laughed, waiting for Casey to pitch in. They clanked their drinks together and took a sip of the fizzy soda. For the first time, Donatello got to experience the pleasure of Soda. Specifically, Dr Pepper. Donnie swallowed the drink and sighed. He absolutely loved it. "This is amazing! Why haven't I tried this sooner?" Donnie beamed, taking another sip and grabbing another slice of pizza without looking. He then felt a hand touch his. He looked down at his hand and saw that Casey was coincidentally about to grab that same slice of pizza. His heart started to thump fast, feeling his body rise in temperature. He slowly turned his head to see Casey staring at him with a goofy smile on his face. He slowly lifted his hand off of Donnie's and handed him the slice of Pizza. None of them had the guts to say anything after that. Donatello turned his head away and ate away at the pizza until it was gone. Once they were done eating all of the pizza and drinking all of the soda, they decided it was time to go to the skatepark.

The two boys climbed down the fire escape, beginning to walk down the empty sidewalk, searching for the nearest skatepark. Once they found a skatepark, Donnie got out his skateboard, and Casey put on his roller skates.

"So, Donnie. Got any tricks up your sleeve?" Casey asked with a grin. Donnie crossed his arms. "As a matter of fact, I do!" He laughed, getting ready to show Casey his trick. The hockey loving boy stood there and watched. He patiently waited for Donnie to do his trick. So then, Donnie skated towards a nearby wall, and did a back flip off of it, landing on his skateboard. He also wanted to try and jump a car to impress Casey, so he skated towards a car and stared at it to calculate how high he would need to jump in order to make it. He finished his calculations and skated backwards, coming back even faster. He jumped over the car as the skateboard rolled from under the car and to the other side. He landed on the board, but he lost balance and fell on his turtle-tush. "Woaaah—! Ow." He mumbled. Casey ran towards him and laughed his butt off. "Nice one, Donnie! Hahahaha!" He jumped up and moved his face inches away from Casey's. "If you think it's funny, then you try! It's harder than it looks!" He shrieked, stomping his foot angrily. He stepped back and handed him the skateboard. Casey wasn't familiar with Skateboards, but he didn't want to look dumb so he accepted the little challenge and got onto it. "Okay, w-watch and learn!" He teased, skating towards the car and jumping way higher than he needed to, and the skateboard didn't even roll far enough, making him fall knee first. He fell and groaned in pain. "Never... mind." He commented with a weak voice, laying in that same position. Donnie's eyes widened at the sight of this. "Casey!" He screamed, racing towards him like it depended on his life. "Are you alright? That was a pretty high fall." He mumbled next to his ear. "I'm- ahh.. I'm okay, dude." He groaned, struggling to get up. Donnie tried to help him up, but Casey refused. He was stubborn as a mule. "I-I don't need help! This is nothing but a small scratch!" He shouted, wobbling slowly over to the lair, each step followed by a pained groan. Donnie sighed and waited until Casey would finally give in. Half way there, he collapsed to his knees, letting out a pained moan. "Ah, ah!" "Casey?" He ran to Casey who was not too far behind him. He helped him up, using himself as support for Casey.

Sorry to end it here 🤭 I got a bit lazy but I'm trying my best. I promise I'll make up for this in the next chapter 😻‼️

(discontinued) Breakup Buddies - Jonatello fanfic (TMNT 2012)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant