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Casey sat there as the panic he felt only grew worse by the second. He felt himself begin to sweat. He started to breathe heavier. He felt the need to run away.

He struggled to push himself up from the chair. "I gotta go." He grabbed his crutches Donatello retrieved in the middle of the night and pushed himself up as he fled away as fast as he could. He wasn't that fast, so Donatello hopped up and stopped Casey in his tracks.

"Casey, what's wrong?" He asked worriedly. He hesitated to answer. He wasn't very good at showing vulnerability to others. It reminded him of what his father would do to him.

"I..." he could barely hold himself together. He cleared his throat to try and speak more clearly. "I need to be away from everyone." He muttered so quietly Donnie could barely hear. "Let's go to my lab." He whispered back.

So there they went. The two teenage boys rushed into the lab to hide from everyone. Casey was beginning to calm down, but he didn't look that good considering the fact he was curled up in a ball on an office chair.

The purple masked mutant turtle observed Casey's behavior whilst his heart ached watching it. He had no idea what to do. The only thing he could think of was to hug him and ask him what was wrong.

Donatello sat up from his chair and approached Casey who was hugging his knees while being lost in his thoughts. He slowly and hesitantly reached his arms to Casey pulled him to his plastron.

He jumped back into reality as soon as Donnie's hands came in contact. The turtle hugged him close whilst stroking his hair gently. "Everything will be okay." He said softly.

Casey lightly blushed, feeling intense butterflies fluttering in his stomach. He was speechless. "Im sorry if this is any trouble to you..." Don paused. "But why did you start panicking?"

Casey looked up to Donnie with sad eyes. "Because I wasn't ready to tell everyone I was gay." He mumbled sadly. He was bracing for Donnie to just excuse his feelings since he was rather used to his father's actions.

"I know it's ridiculous, but—" Donnie caressed his face. "It's not ridiculous, Case." He reassured. "Your reaction was valid. It was wrong of Mikey to do what he did." He completed, resting a hand on his Casey's shoulder.

Casey felt truly safe with Donnie. He felt as if he could tell him anything and he would support him. It felt great. It was nice to have your feelings validated.

He almost began to cry. He was very emotional at the moment. "Thanks." He simply replied. Donatello grabbed his face and kissed his cheek, letting go quickly. "You're welcome. Thank you for sharing." He returned.

He let go of the embrace and grabbed his hand. "Do you wanna come back out?" Casey nodded a yes. "Alright." Donnie gently pulled him up and led him back to the dinner table.

At the dinner table

Mikey was sitting at the table using his hand as a pillow for his head. "I hope I didn't upset Casey. I feel bad." He sighed. He frowned as he thought more about it.

Casey and Donnie walked out of the lab hand in hand. The 3 turtles sitting at the table with a sad look glanced up at them and waved. "Hey guys." Leo greeted. Mikey remained quiet. He didn't really have much to say. "What happened?" Raph asked worriedly.

Casey looked at Mikey and smiled, and then eyed Raphael. "Nothing. Just got overwhelmed." He replied with honesty. Mikey sighed loudly. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you overwhelmed." He whined apologetically. "I don't know what I was thinking." He added with a soft voice. "And if it helps, I'm gay too."

Everybody smirked. "Mikey, we already knew that. You didn't even have to tell us." Casey laughed. "And also, apology accepted."

"Ahaha! Yay!" Mikey jumped up and hugged Casey who was across from him.

Now that things were settled, the 5 friends spent the rest of the day hanging out. They didn't know what havoc would unfold the next coming day.

Sorry this is so short. I'm currently writing another chapter. I hope you enjoyed this!

(discontinued) Breakup Buddies - Jonatello fanfic (TMNT 2012)Where stories live. Discover now