The Bet

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It was a very quiet and slow morning. Everyone was asleep. The only thing that could be heard was the sound of water dripping, and Master Splinter getting up and leaving to make himself some coffee.

As Splinter left his room, he passed by the two boys who were in a cuddling position. He stopped and looked at the two, raising an eye brow as he eyed them suspiciously. He brushed it off and smiled, continuing to the kitchen.

Casey was on top of Donatello resting his head on his plastron whilst his arms were sitting on Donnie's shoulder. Donnie had his arms wrapped around Casey, securing him in place. They both snored loudly, smiling in their sleep. Eventually though, one of them woke up.

Donatello slowly opened his eyes and began squinting at the light of the tv radiating towards them. It lit up the entire living room. He rubbed his eyes and looked around to see his surroundings.

Casey was on top of him snoring softly. His stomach fluttered at the sight of him. "Aw." He said out-loud, playing with his hair gently. He quickly snapped out of it and shook Casey softly.

He slowly woke up, letting out a groan as he stretched out his body. He glanced up at Donnie with wide eyes.

He calmed down and smiled like nothing happened. "Morning, gap-tooth." He teased. "Will you stop calling me that?" Donatello groaned. "No, never. It's your forever nickname." Casey replied smugly. "Why though?" The turtle boy sighed. "Would you rather hear me call you "sugar-wugar bun"?, or is that not cheesy enough." He joked. Donnie rolled his eyes, cringing a bit. "Okay, fine—! Just don't ever call me that. I won't hesitate to get divorce papers." Donnie joked back. "Aight."

They both got up, making sure no one saw them like that. They wanted to keep their relationship secret for now.

They both left to the kitchen, but on their way there, Raphael stopped them. "Morning, guys." He chuckled with a smirk on his face. Donatello smiled as a response. "Good morning, Raph." "G'morning, dude!" Casey shouted. "So, what were you two doing on the couch last night?" He asked, eyeing the both of them curiously. Donnie blushed immensely, looking away. "Oh uhm— we were just wrestling but we got too tired to get up so we just slept like that." The red masked turtle rolled his eyes. "If you say so. You two are a bunch of fruit cakes." He joked, walking away into the living room to watch tv. "Phew. Th-that was close." Donnie sighed, letting out a breath he didn't know he was holding. Casey looked at him with wide eyes. "We were wrestling"?! WRESTLING??" Casey whisper-shouted, hiding his face in his hands. "Can't get any worse than that." He added. Donatello rolled his eyes. "Well what was I supposed to say? "We were getting romantical?" Like, come on. I was panicking. Cut me some slack, cave mouth." He sassed back. They both sighed and laughed afterwards. "Haha! At least he didn't suspect us too much, Y'know?" Casey reassured. "Mhm, yeah." Donnie agreed. He went silent afterwards. He just sat there smiling down at his hands. "Uhm... Donnie, are you okay?" Casey questioned, grabbing Donatello's hand gently. The turtle boy glanced up at Casey and blushed lightly. "Y..Yeah. Better than okay actually. I can't believe out of all people, I'm with you. I'm so gratef—" Donatello was cut off. "shut up and kiss me." "I- wha—?" Casey pulled him into a short yet passionate kiss. Casey rested his hand on Donatellos cheek whilst Donatello just sat there going limp out of nervousness. They quickly let go. "Hey, what was that for?" Donnie asked.  "I love you, man." Casey replied with a small smile. "Awwww!" A voice other than Casey and Donnie shouted. The two boys turned their heads to the voice that was heard and gasped. "Mikey?!" Mikey laughed hysterically. "Ahahahahaha! You guys, calm down! I only saw the part where you kissed." He chuckled. "Mikey, don't tell ANYONE you saw this." "Uhh... about that..." he moved over to reveal Raphael who was watching. He was victory dancing. "Called it! Mhm! In yo face!" Leo jumped into the scene now that their cover was blown. "Cut it out, Raph." "Now give me my 20 bucks." Raphael demanded. Leonardo rolled his eyes and handed his younger brother $20. "Haha!" "You... YOU BETTED ON US?" Donatello shouted in surprise. "Yeah, and I won, and Leo lost." Raph gloated. 

Casey sighed and looked down at the table. "Now what?" He thought. He was panicking. Now every one of his turtle friends knew.

I'm sorry this chapter was short and it took forever to come out. I'm dealing with many problems. I hope the next chapter won't take as long to come out.

815 words

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