Chapter XXVI: Time for Some Fun

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Author's Note: Hey guys I'm finally BACK! It's been a crazy two months. Long story short, I moved to Japan at the end of July to teach English and was super busy before then getting ready and the past three weeks in Japan I've been busy settling in. Now, I'm back and stronger than ever! I plan to write a chapter every two weeks, maybe once a week if I'm lucky! This chapter picks right up where we left off with The League taking a rest before Gigantomachia reawakens... or so they think. At the end of this chapter I have another original character who will be the main person Yui is fighting in the Deika City Arc! I wanted to give her something special instead of just tagging her along on another person's battle. I hope you all enjoy! I'm happy to be back! :D

"I don't have any intentions of dying here."

(Yui Homura)

Ring ring ring~

Ring ring ring~

Ring RING~

"If someone doesn't answer that goddamn phone right now I'm gonna incinerate the damn thing."

I groaned in agreement to Dabi's words, my groggy eyes opening in annoyance as I had just fallen asleep not that long ago.

The ringing was coming from Mr. Compress's pocket, his body unmoving as the ringing didn't bother him, soft snores leaving his lips from under his mask.

"I'll get it!! No, I don't want to get it!"

I closed my eyes at Twice's chipper voice in an attempt to go back to sleep, that was until I heard Twice's voice, his chipper attitude switched to something much more deadly.

"What have you done with Giran, you bastard?"

I shot up at the sound of the unknown voice Twice has put on speaker, the rest of The League attentive as we listened to the voice that clearly did not belong to Giran. 

"Nothing too horrible enough to kill him. Humans can live without their fingers, you know. With him refusing to give us any information, you should all be lucky he's even breathing."

"And who the hell is this?"

Shigaraki was the first to speak, his gruff voice already filled with annoyance. 

"Oh I'm sorry, how rude of me! You are speaking to the grand commander of the Meta Liberation Army, Redestro!"

Shigaraki replied with an unimpressed look, seeming to already be done with this conversation.

"First the yakuza, now the liberation army... all these retro freaks are trying to make a comeback. Is it because of that book that came out a little while back? Are you trying to ride that wave straight into the headlines?"

"Oh ho ho! How well informed you are though it's quite the opposite actually. We created that wave. We seek to liberate all meta-humans you see. We'll tear down the existing framework and rebuild this world as a place where people are free to be themselves and use their abilities as they see fit."

"While that doesn't seem like a terrible idea, I'm busy right now. So how about you liberate our broker first, then ring me again. Once I'm done with my business here, I'll listen to you and your merry band of revolutionaries."

Shigaraki seemed done with the conversation as he went to end the call himself, until Redestro's voice stopped him.

"I suggest you take a break and listen since we will not be releasing the broker. I do have to commend his loyalty though. Not only did he delete his client lists before we got to him, he even refused to give us any information nor cry out in pain, even as we began removing fingers."

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