Chapter 12: Turning Point

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It was half past 8 when KoJo's phone rang that night. She knew it was Jack and she didn't even have to look at caller ID.

KoJo contemplated just letting the phone ring. She was still reeling from what had happened earlier that day at Starbucks. She had thought Kristin was a nice girl, but she had gone damn near demonic just because Jack had shown up with them at the mall.

Just what was Jack doing with her that made her act so crazy?

KoJo had so many questions swimming around in her head about Jack and the whole situation. If she just let the phone ring perhaps she could avoid whatever inevitable disaster that this was going to lead to. Talking to Jack would set whatever this catastrophe was in motion.

But wasn't that what she was trying to do though? Change her life? Up until like a week ago that meant hanging out with the Fabulous Five, finally getting a date to spring formal, and being the "it" girl of O'Shaugnessy's.

But this change, with Jack in the picture would be totally different. This would be stepping into the adult realm, a place KoJo was not sure she really wanted to step into. Was she ready for the things answering that phone would lead to?

The phone continued to ring, and KoJo stared at it, afraid to move as if that would somehow signal to Jack that she was ignoring his call. The ringing eventually stopped, and KoJo breathed a sigh of relief.

Walking away is not so hard after all.

KoJo was just about to head upstairs to her room, when the answering machine came on and Jack's voice, laced with melancholy and regret, graced her ears.

"Hey KoJo. Um, it's Jack. I wanted to talk to you and apologize about today. I promise I'll handle everything with Kristin. That was my fault actually. I am not that great with communication....sooooo....I guess she thought what we had going on was more than what it was. I, um..... I just don't want you to think you can't come to anymore shows or hang out with us. Everybody liked you, even I like you and I don't really like anybody."

Jack laughed nervously and cleared his throat.

Was he nervous, KoJo thought. Was Mr. Confident actually struggling to express himself on the phone?

"I'm just trying to say not to let my drama put you off the scene, or to stop hanging with Meg. She really likes you. I have a way of messing things up and I don't want to mess things up with you. Please call me back...or not. It's up to you."

The answer machine ending with the usual bleep. KoJo's mouth mouth dropped open and she shook her head trying to process what the hell just happened.

What did Jack mean everyone liked her? Was that true? KoJo had never truly felt "liked" before. The people at the Gold Dollar were great, but did they really like her? Or was that just something Jack was saying to smooth things over? Even with Hannah her best friend, she never could shake the feeling they just hung out because of habit.

KoJo rubbed her temples. She better delete the message before her parents heard it, or she would get the third degree from her mom.

Kojo found Jack's number in her pocket. She stared at the piece of paper with the barely legible numbers spread across it. Jack said he liked her. KoJo liked him too, although her like probably was different from his like. She didn't just like him, she wanted him. She wanted whatever made Kristin go psycho, and whatever it was that made Meg live in the same house with him years after a divorce. She wanted to, breath in the real Jack White. This need to know him was what made her fingers punch his number to call him before she could even comprehend what she was doing.


The shy smile. The inky black curls resting softly against his milky cheek. The faint smell of cigarettes and soap. All of it was so intoxicating. KoJo could barely tear her eyes away from Jack as she sat in the passenger seat of his van outside her house. He was slouched in his seat, facing towards her. She was trying desperately not to look at his hard, bear chest that slightly peaked through his semi-zipped up black jacket. He wasn't wearing a shirt underneath his zip up hoodie, and KoJo was just too intrigued.

Less than hour ago, she had called him and asked him to come over so they could talk. And he came. Bearing gifts as well, Starbucks Frappuccino in hand.

"I hope I got right" Jack said giving her another sheepish smile gesturing towards the drink.

KoJo took a sip and animatedly rolled her eyes back. "Its positively delightful" she said in fake British accent.

Jack chuckled, and then sighed. "Sorry you weren't able to get it earlier."

"I forgive you" KoJo said giving him a nice little smile before taking another sip.

"So", she started putting the drink into the cup holder. "What are you going to do about Kristin. I think she threatened to call the authorities on you because of me."

Jack shook his head. "I don't have a plan yet, but I'll smooth it over somehow."

"If you need me to, I'll vouch for you in whatever way I can. I don't like bitches who lie and try to get guys in trouble. Like we're friends...well kind of. We haven't touched, kissed or done anything intimate. Why would she even think that."

Jack sighed and rested his head on the headrest. He closed his eyes and remained still.

KoJo softened, thinking how tough this might be for him. She was thinking about reaching out and touching him, maybe just patting the soft curls on his head, but he opened his eyes before she could lift her hand.

His smoldering brown eyes bored into her, and KoJo froze. That penetrating gaze held so much emotion, and KoJo was melting under it. The van was so silent, that KoJo could swear that Jack could hear her heart thundering in her chest.

"But I want to touch you, and kiss you and be intimate", he said so softly that KoJo almost didn't hear him. "That's the problem KoJo. They'd cite me just for thinking the things I've thought about doing to you."

KoJo's jaw dropped for nth time that night. Did he really just admit he wanted her? Just like that? Holy shit!!!

KoJo felt like she was having an out of body experience. No guy had ever plainly admitted he wanted her. Ever. She might have gotten some hints from Max or Caleb from the sixth grade, hell even Bobby hinted that he could do her if she let him, but never had any of these guys outright said..."I want you".

Her out of body experience was confirmed, when she heard the most surprising three words uttered from her lips. "Then do it".

Those words set Jack ablaze and he climbed over the console of his van, closing the distance between them. KoJo dropped trying to hide her excitement, and her breathing started to become more labored that she had to force the air out of her mouth. A smirk graced Jack's face as he came inches from her face, his eyes dropping to her lips.

KoJo couldn't take it anymore. Everything that had happened up until now took its toll..the sexy looks, the tension...all of it was too much. She closed the remaining distance and smashed her lips against his.

Jack immediately took over, his large hand gripping the back of her neck and pulling her in tightly. She couldn't run away if she wanted to. His tongue teased her lips for entry and KoJo obliged. She let out a soft moan as his tongue entered her mouth and expertly moved over hers, creating that ticklish sensation that KoJo was quickly becoming addicted to. KoJo shoved her hands up his jacket, feeling his chest and abs. She wanted to snake a hand down his pants, but she decided at the last minute against it. This was their first kiss, and she wanted to be just that.

Jack frenched her a solid five minutes before letting her up for air. They had shifted to nearly a horizontal position. Jack's body was pressed firmly against KoJo's middle though, and that was shooting up these fiery sensations to her brain.

They stared at each other a while, before Jack broke the silence.

"I'm so dead" Jack said breathlessly looking down into KoJo's eyes.

KoJo pulled him down for a quick kiss and said, "It's going to hurt me more than you."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2023 ⏰

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