Chapter 11: Rivals and Revelators

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KoJo took a deep breath and tried to ignore the heavy drumming of her heart that was resounding in her ears. She was sitting in the front seat of Jack's van as they headed towards the mall. He was literally five inches away but KoJo could feel the heat radiating off of him. He had this smoky, woody scent that was intoxicating and KoJo had never thought she would adore a smell so much. Especially since it was coming off of a guy she barely knew.

She glanced over at him from the corner of her eye, and saw him running his fingers through his jet black curls. The pulling and tugging only caused the waves to snap back into a more looser yet defined shape.

How cute, KoJo thought.

He was so unusual looking. Milky, white skin but sparkling dark eyes and shining jet black hair. The contrast was unlike anything you'd ever seen. She wondered if his hair was dyed?

KoJo swallowed and tried to think of something to say. He did not seem like the type of person who cared if every second was filled with chatter or not. He'd didn't seem to "feel" that a silence could be uncomfortable, and it made KoJo feel so silly that she was fretting about not being to come up with anything.

"Thanks for driving us" she said more comfortably than what she felt.

"Yeah no problem", Jack said before taking a puff his cigarette. He cooly blew out the smoke, and then said "Traffic is heavy today isn't it."

"Ugh traffic on this side of town is always bad" KoJo said rolling her eyes. "I can't wait to move out of Detroit."

Jack raised his eyebrows and glanced at her. "Why do you want to move out of Detroit? Where else could possibly be as great as here?"

KoJo giggled at his sarcasm and said, "Florida, Louisiana, Texas, California....anyplace where it doesn't snow and has a beach."

"You mention all these southern states" Jack said, his tone curious, "do you like country?"

KoJo filtered through her mind and thought about the Allman brothers that her father listened to.

"Not unless its the Allman brothers" KoJo said. "Other than that, I can't stand it."

Jack breathed out a laugh and took another puff of his cigarette. "Duly noted. How old are you again?"

"I'm 17, will be 18 this year in November."

"Do you have a boyfriend?"

KoJo felt butterflies in her stomach. Was he asking because he was interested in filling the role?

"No, I've never had one actually" KoJo laughed uncomfortably.

Jack chuckled to himself. "Why is that KoJo?"

"Oh I don't know, I guess boys don't like me?"

Jack tutted and rolled his eyes. "Oh come one. Thats not it. They do like you. They just feel like they can't approach you."

KoJo didn't know how to take this information. He had volunteered that information too quickly. What was he getting at?

"Well now you're gonna have to explain to me why you think that is" KoJo said a little edge to her voice.

Jack smirked and said, "Its not anything bad. You just seem guarded and a little preoccupied. Like you're in your own world and the rest of us are just looking in. I guess, you seem unavailable."

Okay, KoJo really didn't know how to take that information. Unavailable? She didn't even know she was giving off these vibes? She also didn't think it was her fault that a boy interpreted things wrongly.

The Great White Hope {Jack White}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora