Chapter 8 Heineken

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"Meg is a great cook", Hannah said as her and KoJo hopped into her red Honda Civic to head over to the White's  house for dinner. "She is training as a chef right now at her job."

"Can't wait, I've been craving lasagna for like 2 months now!"

Hannah and KoJo sped down the road. Hannah turned on the radio and a hard rock song started blaring from the speakers.

"Alright! Mah boys are on!"

KoJo rolled her eyes. She was starting to sound just like Bobby and it was annoying the devil out of KoJo.

Kojo frowned and said, "Who is this?"

"Rage Against the Machine. You never heard of them?"

"No, and I'm wondering how you have? This doesn't seem like something Bobby would like."

"He doesn't. This is more Jack's music. He was blasting this exact song at this house party once."

KoJo listened thinking about Jack. He didn't seem like he would like this either, and this was more of a protest song based on the lyrics. What did he have to protest?

"So is that Jack guy going to be there?"

"Most likely, its his house", Hannah said, peering at the clock on her dashboard. "Its also around the time he gets home from work."

KoJo noted the time was around 6PM. "Oh".

"Do you like him?" Hannah asked smiling.

"Not really. But he's interesting and you know how valuable that is to my reputation."

Hannah scoffed. "You should only date someone if you like them, not because of your reputation. That's so shallow KoJo."

"You started dating Bobby because he was in a band" KoJo said matter of factly.

"Yeah that was back when I was immature. Bobby has been the best thing that ever happened to me. Through him I've expanded my horizons and became a new person."

KoJo made a gagging sound and Hannah started to laugh.

"I'm serious! Guys like Jack and Bobby are so different you know. They aren't just looking for the 'next hot chick'. They take these relationship things seriously. They want to fall in love. That's why I'm saying when you get close to Jack, make sure its sincere because you could end up seriously hurting him....and having a not so flattering song written about you."

They both laughed.

"Jack would not be interested in me" KoJo said. "I think he hates me actually."

"I don't think so", Hannah said. "I can feel it, you two are going to be an item."

"You're crazy" KoJo said, laughing.

"No really" Hannah said. "I know Kristin thinks that Jack's hers and all, but Jack is not the type of guy that would settle with a girl like Kristin. Yeah they may have some fun together, but he wouldn't date her....marry her you know."

KoJo shrugged. "Barely know the guy..."

"You'll see", Hannah said pulling  into the driveway of a tiny but cute house.

KoJo got out and grabbed the tiny apple crumb cake she made for them. She was very nervous since Hannah said Jack would be there. Although Hannah was being nice, she was certain that Jack did not like her. Jack was one of those hippie types that looked down on everyone because they didn't enjoy more "substantial" things.

Quite frankly, KoJo thought those people were too judgemental and she avoided them like the plague. Particularly since they looked down on girls like her. But, if she wanted to get in good with the Fab Five, she needed to show them that EVERYONE liked her. Including this hard to please crowd with people like Jack in it. KoJo hoped this apple crumb cake would start something.

KoJo tried to hide her panic as Hannah rang the doorbell. Within a split second, Meg opened the door showering the girls with hugs and come ins.

They went into the kitchen and sat down at the table.

"Got the goods" KoJo said handing over the socks to Meg.

"LOOK HOW CUTE THEY ARE", Meg exclaimed cuddling the socks to her face.

"Good Lord what are you on about!"

KoJo loked up to see a freshly showered Jack entering the kitchen. His black hair was wet and curly, and he only had on some red shorts. He smelled like Irish Spring. KoJo could not take her eyes off of him. She was so enthralled, that she didn't even notice Meg compliment her on how good her cake looked.

Jack ignored her stares as usual, and proceeded to open the fridge and dig around for something.

"Earth to KoJo!", Hannah shouted waving her hands in front of KoJo's face.

"Sorry" KoJo said peeling her eyes away from Jack.

"Your cake looks delicious" Meg repeated giving her a kind smile.

"Thanks! I didn't realize how easy apple crumb cake is to make."

"Meg have you seen my Heinekins" Jack said from inside the fridge. Literally, his entire upper body was inside the fridge as he dug for alcohol.

"It's in the door silly" Meg said.

"Oh", Jack said climbing out the fridge and grabbing the bottle. He closed and made his way over to the table and said, "So what was this I heard about apple crumb cake?"

KoJo felt her heart skip a beat.

"KoJo made It for our dinner tonight" Meg said to Jack.

"It was easy" KoJo blubbered and felt stupid for talking in his presence.

Jack's dark eyes fell on her and KoJo could feel her throat tightening. His eyes lingered for a few seconds before he said,"Mmhm", and walked off somewhere.

How odd, KoJo thought. I have never felt so undone in my life, not even around Max.

Hannah grinned at her.

"Lasagna smells good! I've been craving carbs for like 2 months now! Its my favorite" KoJo said quickly trying to ignore Hannah's gaze.

"Oh you and Jack have something in common! Its his favorite too."

"Two of a kind" Hannah said wriggling her eyebrows.

"Oh yeah I forgot" Jack said coming back into the room. "Did you ladies want a beer?"

"I'll take one" Hannah said getting up and heading to the fridge.

"What about you MoJo?"

"Its KoJo and I'm underage."

Jack smirked and said, "I don't think anyone here will snitch on you."

"I'll have to pass, but thank you though" KoJo said smiling warmly at Jack, who was staring at her like she was some kind of imbecile.

With a disinterested "hmph", he went back into the living room.

"Awe I think he likes" Meg said giving her a small smile.

"Really because the look he gave me kind of made me think the opposite" KoJo said sighing.

"He's just different when it comes to expressing his feelings" Meg said. With that, she stood up and patted KoJo on the shoulder before going to the oven and checking on the lasagna.

"Told ya" Hannah whispered as she sat down with a Heineken in her hand.

Just as Hannah popped the Heineken open, Meg called Jack in for dinner.

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