Chapter 4 Blowin' in the Wind

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Jack dropped the needle onto The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan. He smiled as he heard the familiar scratch, the adjustment of the speaker and then Bob's guitar.  He stood there, watching the record spin.

He could not believe that that girl Bobby brought with him even knew of Bob Dylan. Let alone attend a concert and leave upset that he didn't play one of his greatest songs! 

Jack didn't know what to think. Clearly he had judged her too soon. God how stupid had he been asking her if she was lost and then trying to point her to a techno club. Its just that girls like her had always been into that sort of thing. They would never show up to listen to a garage rock band.

He glanced over to the couch that she was sitting on with Bobby and Hannah. Her and Meg were in a full on conversation about the song. It seems the two were getting on. 

He watched as Bobby got up from the couch and walked over to him. "So what do you think man?"

"What do mean", Jack asked looking back down at the record. He already knew that Bobby was asking about KoJo.

"Of KoJo", Bobby whispered. 

Jack peered over Bobby to get another look at Kojo. Her beautiful caramel face was twisted up in a smile revealing two dimples and her brown eyes were shining bright as she laughed with Meg and Hannah about something.

"I don't think anything about her", Jack said shrugging.

Bobby stared at him incredulously. "Have you seen those ta-ta's and that ass?"

Jack rolled his eyes, shaking his head and looking away from Bobby. "Plus she recognizes good music man. I mean she still thinks its okay to listen to Britney Spears, but I can deal with that as long as she likes Dylan you know."

"You're dating Hannah", Jack said in a forced hushed voice. "You can't treat people that way."

"Really?!", Bobby exclaimed. "This coming from a guy that still lives with his ex-wife and won't let her see anyone."

"You don't know what the fuck you're talking about", Jack retorted starting to get angry.

"Do I? Max is practically inching to get to Meg, but you're blocking his every move. And then you wanna sit here and bust my balls about dating one chick and liking another? Are you still shagging Kristen? Because if you are, then you are way worse than me. You and Meg aren't even divorced yet and you are already seeing other chicks."

Jack squinted his eyes Bobby who was fuming at the seams. 

"Stay out of my fucking business!"

With that, Jack walked out of the room not turning to look back. He walked out of the club and away from the crowd of people who were standing outside. He slumped onto the side of the building and reached into his jacket pocket pulling out the pack of Empire 1's. 

 Who did Bobby think he was. He didn't know anything about him and Meg, Kristen, or the whole situation.  He was 20 years old in high school. He was a fucking retard.

I gotta get out of this band, Jack thought. Him and Bobby were alright, almost brotherly like when they weren't trying to do music together. Bobby had some fucked up way of bringing personal shit where it didn't belong. He had been thinking of quitting for a while, especially since he and Meg had just cut their first record a couple of months ago. They were scheduled to release in June and he wanted to do more with Meg anyway.

Partly because the duo was really catching on and partly because it would be the only way Meg would still talk to him after they called it quits. It was pretty pathetic, but he didn't care. He always swallowed his pride when it came to Meg.

Jack sucked in some of the night air and then puffed more of the cigarette. He let the smoke fill his lungs and then blew out the puffy white smoke into the air.

 He loved smoking. It was not only something to do, but it gave him the chance to get away from the boring mundane conversations that occurred in everyday life. It gave him alone time where he could ponder over things like life and love. Smoking was the reason he was able to filter out all the crap of the world, and create things.

"Can I have one?"

Jack looked in the direction of the voice and saw the familiar small, petite brunette holding out her hand out for a smoke.

Kristen's green eyes shined brightly at him, and Jack felt a thousand emotions at once. The most notable were guilt, regret, and the ever so shameful wantonness.

Without a word or a smile, Jack reached into his jacket pocket and held out the pack of Empire 1's to her.

Kristen's long slender fingers pulled out a stick. She delicately held it between her pointer finger and middle finger, and brought it to her lips. "Light me up please", Kristen asked.

Jack reached back into his jacket pocket, placing the cigarette pack in there and fishing out his lighter. He lit Kristen's cigarette and went back to smoking his.

They both puffed in silence, the tension growing between them. Jack was very aware of Kristen's jade green eyes on him and he side eyed her to see what she was looking at.

She was dressed in her regular dark blue jeans, fuzzy quarter length sleeve sweater that was see through and showed her black bra. So plain, but so sexy. 

Her slender wrist reached forward touching the large black beaded necklace around his neck. "Did Meg make this?"

Jack pushed her hand away, turned to face her and said, "Did you tell Bobby about us?"

Kristen scoffed and dropped her hands to her side. "No. Why? What did that fucktard say."

Jack knowing she was lying looked away and shook his head. "Nothing just forget it."

Kristen frustrated, ran her hand through her shoulder length brown hair. "Jack I know we are supposed to be keeping this under wraps. But lets be real, this scene is small and people are gonna know."

"Not if you don't open your big mouth about it", Jack said putting out his cigarette and starting to walk away.

"Jack", Kristen exclaimed jumping in front of him. "Bobby somehow just knew okay. Meg is my friend and I-I know you guys broke up, but...please just listen."

Jack shoved around Kristen's body and went back into the club.  Lots of people he knew were in there and he was to pissed off to talk to anyone, so he made a detour for the bar and sat in one of the dark corners.

He was going to have to get on stage as it was nearing 9PM but everything seemed to be going wrong at once.

He was glad no one noticed him as he sat there sulking. As he stared into abyss of people crowding up on the dance floor, he spotted KoJo making her way through the crowd and around to the bar. 

His eyes fixated on her as she approached the bartender asking for something. Jack wondered if it was a drink. The bartender turned and KoJo sat tapping her caramel fingers onto the bartop. She glanced around and her chocolate brown eyes fell on Jack.

Jack realized that he had creepily  been watching her and looked down at the bartop. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw KoJo shake her head. 

Thank you, he heard her say to the bartender and he looked to see what it was that she had received. It was a small purse. 

KoJo took one glance back at Jack and stalked her way backstage, earning a few glances from the pervs in the club. Watching her leave, Jack noticed her red, curly hair was down her back and that she did have shapely bum.

He closed his eyes and put his hand on his forward, realizing that Bobby was right.

The Great White Hope {Jack White}Where stories live. Discover now